
Sandbox server
Production server

Test(sendbox) account sign up
Contact ZoodMall manager to enable your test account

Set default shipping fee and default delivery time in back office for each market before uploading products

HTTP Request Method


Response Format

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "The name of method",
    "params": [],
    "id": "Request identifier defined by merchant (string)"

Response Format

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "Request identifier defined by merchant (string)",
    "result": "",
    "error": ""

Authentication/Request headers
Content-Type application/json
X-RPC-Auth-Username Merchant ID
X-Rpc-Auth-Password seller”s secret key (which can be find in seller”s back office)

  • CB: Cross Border Seller
  • LS: Local Seller


Attention: The correct category list can be found in the import products template, which can be downloaded at the Seller Back Office. To define the category of products, please make sure that the category is the deepest category of this product.
For example, MP3 Player`s category ID should be 1035 (sub2 subcategory-MP3&MP4 Player), it should Not be 1034 (subcategory-Portable Audio & Video) or 5 (category-Consumer Electronics).

marketCodes Country
KZ Kazakhstan
LB Lebanon
IR Iran
AF Afghanistan
UZ Uzbekistan
TR Turkey
IQ Iraq
KW Kuwait
JO Jordan
KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Zoodmall products related API.
Call products APIs as per your seller Type

Products | List (CB)

Method: ProductRpc.finds


Name Type Summary
productId Integer Product ID.
productIds String Comma(,) separated Product IDs
spu String Product SPU
spus String Comma(,) separated Product SPUs
status String, Enum: 1, 2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)
categoryId Integer category of product
nameSearch String Keywords for product names
defaultPriceFrom Float Minimum Price(>=)
defaultPriceTo Float Maximum Price(<=)
page Integer, Minimum: 1 Current Page
rowsPerPage Integer, Minimum: 1, Maximum: 20 Per Page products


Name Type Summary
products[] Array[Product]
products[]productId String
products[]spu String
products[]name String
products[]nameLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish)
products[] String
products[]defaultPrice String
products[]status String, Enum: Enabled, Disabled
products[]onSale Integer, Enum: 1, 2
products[]picture[] Array[String], Minimum: 1, Maximum: 10
products[]categoryId String Comma separated category Ids
products[]mainCategoryId Integer Main category ID
products[]subCategoryId String Sub category IDs. Can be Comma separated.
products[]subSubCategoryId String Sub 2 sub category IDs. Can be Comma separated.
products[]propertyName String Separated by Double pipe sign(||)
products[]property[] Array[Property] Variant of product
products[]property[]sku String
products[]property[]propertyValue String Separated by Double pipe sign(||)
products[]property[]status String
products[]property[]propertyImage String
products[]property[]price String
products[]property[]quantity String
products[]property[]onSale String, Enum: 1, 2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)
products[]sproperty[] Array[Specific]
products[]sproperty[]name String
products[]sproperty[]value String
products[]spropertyLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish) of Arrays
products[][] Array[Specific]
products[][].name String
products[][].value String
products[]skuType String, Enum: 1, 2 Sku type (1:Single variant 2: Multi variant)
products[]currency String, Enum: EUR
products[]marketCodes String Comma separated market codes. Like: KSA, KW, JO, KZ, LB, UZ, AZ, AF
products[]auditStatus_{marketCode} String, Enum: Approved ,pending, Rejected {marketCode} can be extends with KSA, KW, JO, IQ, UZ, QZ, AF, LB, KZ, PK
products[]auditStatus_UZ String
products[]auditStatus_PK String
products[]description String
products[]descriptionLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish)
products[] String
products[]declaredValue String
products[]hsCode String
products[]hasBattery String, Enum: 1,2 (1: Yes 2: No)
products[]hasPowder String, Enum: 1,2 (1: Yes 2: No)
products[]hasLiquid String, Enum: 1,2 (1: Yes 2: No)
products[]productHeight String
products[]productLenght String
products[]productWidth String
products[]productWeight String
products[]tags String
products[]tagsLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish)
products[] String
products[]crossedPrice String
products[]sizeGuideUrl String
products[]shippingFee_{marketCode} String {marketCode} can be extends with KSA, KW, JO, IQ, UZ, QZ, AF, LB, KZ, PK
products[]shippingFee_UZ String, Minimum: 0
products[]shippingFee_LB String, Minimum: 0
pagination Object String
pagination.rowsPerPage String
pagination.totalCount String

Params Example

    "id": 1,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ProductRpc.finds",
    "params": [
            "productId": 11982210,
            "productIds": "11982210, 11982211",
            "sku": "SZUS-HKZMHB-I710001374",
            "skus": "SZUS-HKZMHB-I710001374, SZUS-HKZMHB-I710001375",
            "status": "1",
            "categoryId": 2,
            "nameSearch": " Test product",
            "defaultPriceFrom": "0.00",
            "defaultPriceTo": "50000.00",
            "page": 1,
            "rowsPerPage": 10

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "products": [
                "productId": "11972651",
                "sku": "ZZS201219746_Cafe",
                "name": "Men Tops Fashion Summer Casual Loose Lapel Hooded Check Short Sleeve Shirt for Adult",
                "nameLang": {
                    "ru": "Мужские топы модные летние повседневные свободные отвороты с капюшоном в клетку с коротким рукавом рубашка для взрослых",
                    "uz": "Erkaklar Tops Moda Yozgi Casual Bo'sh Lapel Kapşonlu Chek qisqa yengli ko'ylak Kattalar uchun"
                "defaultPrice": "5.10",
                "crossedPrice": "7.14",
                "onSale": 1,
                "picture": [
                "categoryId": "1,595,596,623,628",
                "mainCategoryId": 1,
                "subCategoryId": "595,623",
                "subSubCategoryId": "596,628",
                "propertyName": "Color||Size",
                "property": [
                        "sku": "ZZS201219746BUXL_Cafe",
                        "propertyValue": "Blue||XL",
                        "status": "Enabled",
                        "propertyImage": "",
                        "price": "5.10",
                        "quantity": "1000",
                        "onSale": "1"
                        "sku": "ZZS201219746BUS_Cafe",
                        "propertyValue": "Blue||S",
                        "status": "Enabled",
                        "propertyImage": "",
                        "price": "5.10",
                        "quantity": "1000",
                        "onSale": "1"
                        "sku": "ZZS201219746BKL_Cafe",
                        "propertyValue": "Black||L",
                        "status": "Enabled",
                        "propertyImage": "",
                        "price": "5.10",
                        "quantity": "1000",
                        "onSale": "1"
                "sproperty": [
                        "name": "Made In",
                        "value": "India"
                        "name": "Suitable for",
                        "value": "Man"
                "spropertyLang": {
                    "ru": [
                            "name": "Произведено",
                            "value": "Индия"
                            "name": "подходит для",
                            "value": "Киши"
                    "uz": [
                            "name": "Ishlab chiqarilgan",
                            "value": "Hindiston"
                            "name": "uchun mos",
                            "value": "Kishi"
                "skuType": "2",
                "currency": "EUR",
                "marketCodes": "IQ,UZ,LB,KZ",
                "tags": "Man fashion,Man Shirst,Casual Loose Lapel,Summer fashion",
                "tagsLang": {
                    "ru": "Мужская мода,мужская рубашка,повседневные свободные лацканы,летняя мода",
                    "uz": "Erkak modasi,Erkak ko'ylagi,Kundalik bo'shashgan yubka,Yozgi moda"
                "description": "Welcome to our shop my friends, I hope you have a pleasant shopping experience, thank you for coming <br><br>  Men's Summer Casual Loose Lapel Hooded Check Short Sleeve Shirt<br>    Features: 1.It is made of high quality materials,durable enought for your daily wearing2.Perfect Match with your favorite shorts, etc. 3.Great for party,Daily,Beach,I am sure you will like it!   4.This style matches this summer. Every day with it is happy.   5.Put on this dress to make your summer especially happy.    Product information:<br>Season: All Season     Gender: men Occasion: Casual,Daily     Material:Polyester     Sleeve length: Short Sleeve Pattern Type:Lattice   Style: Fashion, CasualFit:Fits ture to size   Thickness:Standard   How to wash:Hand wash Cold,Hang or Line Dry     What you get: 1PC men Shirt   Size US UK EU Bust Shoulder Sleeve Length    L 8 12 38 116cm/45.67'' 49cm/19.29'' 24cm/9.45'' 76cm/29.92'' Size:L US:8 UK:12 EU:38 Bust:116cm/45.67'' Shoulder:49cm/19.29'' Sleeve:24cm/9.45'' Length:76cm/29.92''",
                "descriptionLang": {
                    "ru": "Добро пожаловать в наш магазин, друзья! Надеюсь, у вас остались приятные впечатления от покупок. Спасибо, что пришли. , достаточно прочный для повседневного ношения 2. Идеально подходит для ваших любимых шорт и т. д. 3. Отлично подходит для вечеринки, повседневной жизни, пляжа, я уверен, вам понравится! 4. Этот стиль соответствует этому лету. Каждый день с ним счастлив. 5. Наденьте это платье, чтобы сделать ваше лето особенно счастливым. Информация о продукте:<br>Сезон: всесезонный Пол: мужской Повод: повседневный, повседневный Материал: полиэстер Длина рукава: с коротким рукавом Тип узора: решетка Стиль: модный, повседневныйПодгонка: подходит по размеру Толщина: стандартная Как стирать: ручная стирка в холодной воде , Hang or Line Dry Что вы получаете: 1 шт. Мужская рубашка Размер США, Великобритания, ЕС, бюст, плечо, длина рукава, L 8, 12, 38, 116 см / 45,67 дюйма, 49 см / 19,29 дюйма, 24 см / 9,45 дюйма, 76 см / 29,92 дюйма. Размер: L США: 8 Великобритания: 12 ЕС : 38 Бюст: 116 см/45,67 \"Плечо: 49 см/19,29\" Рукав: 24 см/9,45 \"Длина: 76 см/29,92\"",
                    "uz": "Do'stlarim do'konimizga xush kelibsiz, sizda yoqimli xarid bo'ladi degan umiddaman, kelganingiz uchun rahmat <br><br> Erkaklar uchun yozgi tasodifiy yubkali kaputli chekka qisqa yengli ko'ylak<br> Xususiyatlari: 1.U yuqori sifatli materiallardan tayyorlangan ,kundalik kiyishingizga yetarlicha bardoshli2.Sevimli shortilaringiz bilan mukammal moslik va h.k. 4.Ushbu uslub bu yozga mos keladi. U bilan har kuni baxtli. 5.Yozingizni ayniqsa baxtli qilish uchun ushbu libosni kiying. Mahsulot haqida ma'lumot:<br>Mavsum: Barcha mavsum Jins: erkaklar Vaqti: Kundalik, Kundalik Material: Polyester Yeng uzunligi: Qisqa yeng Naqsh turi: Panjara Uslub: Moda, CasualFit: O'lchamga mos Qalinligi: Standart Yuvish usuli: Qo'lda sovuqda yuvish ,Hang yoki Line Dry Nima olasiz: 1PC Erkaklar Koʻylak Hajmi AQSh Buyuk Britaniya Yevropa Ittifoqi Koʻkrak Yelka uzunligi L 8 12 38 116cm/45.67\" 49cm/19.29\" 24cm/9.45\" 76cm/29.92\" Hajmi: L AQSh:8U Buyuk Britaniya:12 :38 Ko'krak:116cm/45,67\"Yelka:49cm/19,29\"Yeng:24cm/9,45\"Uzunlik:76cm/29,92\""
                "productHeight": "40",
                "productLenght": "300",
                "productWidth": "240",
                "productWeight": "350",
                "sizeGuideUrl": "",
                "status": "Enabled",
                "declaredValue": "1.10",
                "hsCode": "83497384",
                "hasBattery": "2",
                "hasPowder": "2",
                "hasLiquid": "2",
                "shippingFee_IQ": "8.92",
                "auditStatus_IQ": "Approved",
                "shippingFee_LB": "2.12",
                "auditStatus_LB": "pending",
                "shippingFee_UZ": "1.68",
                "auditStatus_UZ": "Approved",
                "shippingFee_KZ": "7.12",
                "auditStatus_KZ": "Rejected"
                "productId": "12357039",
                "spu": "M-API-008",
                "name": "Small Cotton Hat - Test Milan",
                "nameLang": {},
                "defaultPrice": "12.00",
                "crossedPrice": "40.00",
                "onSale": 1,
                "picture": [
                "categoryId": "1,595,596",
                "mainCategoryId": 1,
                "subCategoryId": "595",
                "subSubCategoryId": "596",
                "propertyName": "color||size",
                "property": [
                        "sku": "M-API-001-01",
                        "propertyValue": "Pink||S",
                        "propertyImage": null,
                        "price": "400",
                        "quantity": "10",
                        "onSale": "1",
                        "status": "Enabled"
                "sproperty": [
                        "name": "TYPE",
                        "value": "aa"
                "spropertyLang": {},
                "skuType": "1",
                "currency": "EUR",
                "marketCodes": "LB,UZ",
                "tags": "Tank,Oil Cup,Clutch Tank,Fluid Cup,Motorcycle Accessories,Oil Fluid Cup,Repair Tool,Gadget,Motorcycle Clutch,Unoversal",
                "tagsLang": {},
                "description": "Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.\nIt is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar.\nThe Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli, but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way.",
                "descriptionLang": {},
                "productHeight": "5",
                "productLenght": "5",
                "productWidth": "32",
                "productWeight": "56",
                "sizeGuideUrl": "",
                "declaredValue": "10",
                "hsCode": "HS909233",
                "status": "Enabled",
                "hasBattery": "2",
                "hasPowder": "2",
                "hasLiquid": "2",
                "shippingFee_LB": "2.12",
                "auditStatus_LB": "Rejected",
                "shippingFee_UZ": "1.68",
                "auditStatus_UZ": "Rejected"
        "pagination": {
            "page": "1",
            "rowsPerPage": "10",
            "totalCount": "2"
    "error": null

Products | List (LS)

Method: LocalProductRpc.finds


Name Type Summary
productId Integer Product ID.
productIds String Comma(,) separated Product IDs
spu String Product SPU
skus String Comma(,) separated Product SPUs
status String, Enum: 1, 2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)
categoryId Integer category of product (refer to 2.4.1 categoryId )
nameSearch String Keywords for product names
defaultPriceFrom Float Minimum Price(>=)
defaultPriceTo Float Maximum Price(<=)
page Integer, Minimum: 1 Current Page
rowsPerPage Integer, Minimum: 1, Maximum: 20 Per Page products


Name Type Summary
products[] Array[Product]
products[]productId String
products[]spu String
products[]name String
products[]invoicedName String This field only available for UZ Sellers.
products[]nameLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish)
products[] String
products[]defaultPrice String
products[]onSale Integer, Enum: 1, 2
products[]picture[] Array[String], Minimum: 1, Maximum: 10
products[]categoryId String Comma separated Multiple category Ids
products[]mainCategoryId Integer Main category ID
products[]subCategoryId String Sub category IDs. Can be Comma separated.
products[]subSubCategoryId String Sub 2 sub category IDs. Can be Comma separated.
products[]propertyName String Separated by Double pipe sign(||)
products[]property[] Array[Property]
products[]property[]sku String
products[]property[]propertyValue String Separated by Double pipe sign(||)
products[]property[]propertyImage String
products[]property[]price String
products[]property[]quantity String, Minimum: 0
products[]property[]onSale String, Enum: 1, 2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)
products[]property[]packageCode String, Digits, Min Length: 0, Max Length: 50 Available for only UZ Sellers
products[]property[]ikpu String, Digits, Size: 17 Available for only UZ Sellers
products[]sproperty[] Array[Specific]
products[]sproperty[]name String
products[]sproperty[]value String
products[]spropertyLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish) of Arrays
products[][] Array[Specific] Array of name and value.
products[][].name String
products[][].value String
products[]skuType String, Enum: 1, 2 Sku type (1:Single variant 2: Multi variant)
products[]currency String, Enum: UZS, USD, LBP, IQD, PKR
products[]marketCodes String Comma separated values like KZ, LB, UZ, AZ, PK
products[]description String
products[]descriptionLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish)
products[] String
products[]productHeight String, Minimum: 0
products[]productLenght String, Minimum: 0
products[]productWidth String, Minimum: 0
products[]productWeight String, Minimum: 0
products[]tags String Comma(,) separated product tags
products[]tagsLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish)
products[] String Comma(,) separated product tags
products[]crossedPrice String, Minimum: 0
products[]sizeGuideUrl String
products[]shippingFee String, Minimum: 0
products[]auditStatus String, Enum: Approved ,pending, Rejected
pagination Object String, Minimum: 1
pagination.rowsPerPage String, Minimum: 1, Maximum: 20
pagination.totalCount String, Minimum: 1

Params Example

    "id": 1,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "LocalProductRpc.finds",
    "params": [
            "productId": 11982210,
            "productIds": "11982210, 11982211",
            "sku": "SZUS-HKZMHB-I710001374",
            "skus": "SZUS-HKZMHB-I710001374, SZUS-HKZMHB-I710001375",
            "status": "1",
            "categoryId": 2,
            "nameSearch": " Test product",
            "defaultPriceFrom": "0.00",
            "defaultPriceTo": "50000.00",
            "page": 1,
            "rowsPerPage": 10

Result Example

    "id": 1,
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": [
            "products": [
                    "productId": "11982210",
                    "spu": "SZUS-HKZMHB-I710001374",
                    "name": "1 Set Dash Board Circuit Board Faceplate Cover for Nine bot Max G30 & 2x Flush Mount Triangle-Shaped LED Turn Signal Light",
                    "nameLang": {
                        "ru": "1 комплект приборной панели, печатной платы, лицевой панели, крышки для Nine bot Max G30 и 2x скрытого монтажа, треугольной формы, светодиодного указателя поворота",
                        "uz": "To'qqiz bot Max G30 va 2x o'rnatish moslamasi uchburchak shaklidagi LED burilish signali chirog'i uchun 1 to'plam paneli elektron plataning old paneli qopqog'i"
                    "invoicedName": "RINGS",
                    "defaultPrice": "20.66",
                    "crossedPrice": "40.32",
                    "onSale": 1,
                    "picture": [
                    "categoryId": "1,595,596,623,628",
                    "mainCategoryId": 1,
                    "subCategoryId": "595,623",
                    "subSubCategoryId": "596,628",
                    "propertyName": "Main Color",
                    "property": [
                            "sku": "SZUS-HKZMHB-I710001374",
                            "propertyValue": "black",
                            "propertyImage": "",
                            "price": "20.66",
                            "quantity": "2000",
                            "onSale": "1",
                            "ikpu": "11702003002000000",
                            "packageCode": "1478242"
                    "sproperty": [
                            "name": "Made In",
                            "value": "India"
                            "name": "Suitable for",
                            "value": "Man"
                    "spropertyLang": {
                        "ru": [
                                "name": "Произведено",
                                "value": "Индия"
                                "name": "подходит для",
                                "value": "Киши"
                        "uz": [
                                "name": "Ishlab chiqarilgan",
                                "value": "Hindiston"
                                "name": "uchun mos",
                                "value": "Kishi"
                    "skuType": "1",
                    "currency": "UZS",
                    "marketCodes": "UZ",
                    "tags": ",Circuit board,Ninebot Max G30,LED Turn Signal,Motorcycle Turn Signals Light,Triangle-shape LED Turn Signal Light,",
                    "tagsLang": {
                        "ru": ",Печатная плата,Ninebot Max G30,светодиодный сигнал поворота,сигнал поворота мотоцикла,светодиодный сигнал поворота треугольной формы,",
                        "uz": ",Elektron plata,Ninebot Max G30,LED burilish signali,mototsikl burilish signallari chirog'i,uchburchak shaklidagi LED burilish signali chirog'i,"
                    "description": "SET2: 2 x LED Turn signal light & 1 x circuit board + 1 x Dashboard cover + 1 x Instrument waterproof cover\\n100% compatibility, guaranteed to meet the specifications of equipment\\nOnly compatible with for Ninebot Max G30 electric scooters\\nThese are NOT PLUG AND PLAY. Do not expect them magically work if you plug them directly into a ride share controller\\nModel Number: EMCT1978\\n\\nItem name: Dash board circuit board faceplate\\nUnique triangle-shape design & framed with hight quality rubber surrounding for seamlessly attached\\nEasy installation, no modification required, splice two wires and tighten the nut at the back of the turn signals\\nEasy installation, universal fits most Motorcycle, Street Bike, Scooter, Cruiser/Chopper\\nFitment: for Sport bike as Suzuki Honda Yamaha Kawasaki\\nTypes: Circuit board+Faceplate+Silicone Case\\ncolour:black\\nmaterial:Plastic + silicone/Plastic\\nUnique and beautiful design.\\nVoltage:12V.\\nLight color: Yellow.\\nInstall the screw:10mm\\nEasy and convenient to use.\\nFitment:\\nFit for Honda\\nfor CBR600 F4i 2001-2006\\nfor 600RR 2003-2006\\nfor 929RR 2000-2001\\nfor 954RR 2002-2003\\nfor 1000RR 2004-2006\\nFit for Suzuki\\nfor GSXR 600 2001-2006\\nfor GSXR 750 2000-2006\\nfor GSXR 1000 2001-2005\\nFit for Yamaha\\nfor YZF 600 1995-2007\\nfor R6 1999-2007\\nfor R1 1998-2007\\nVarious sports car modification\\n\\nPackage Contents:\\n2 x LED Turn signal light\\n1 x circuit board\\n1 x Dashboard cover\\n1 x Instrument waterproof cover\\n\\nOnly the above package content, other products are not included.\\nNote: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm.",
                    "descriptionLang": {
                        "ru": "НАБОР 2: 2 светодиодных указателя поворота и 1 печатная плата + 1 крышка приборной панели + 1 водонепроницаемая крышка прибора\n100% совместимость",
                        "uz": "SET2: 2 x LED burilish signali chirog'i va 1 x elektron plata + 1 x asboblar paneli qopqog'i + 1 x asbobning suv o'tkazmaydigan qopqog'i\n100% moslik"
                    "productHeight": "80",
                    "productLenght": "150",
                    "productWidth": "150",
                    "productWeight": "196",
                    "sizeGuideUrl": "",
                    "shippingFee": "4.97",
                    "auditStatus": "pending"
            "pagination": {
                "page": "1",
                "rowsPerPage": "10",
                "totalCount": "1"

Products | Create (CB)

Method: ProductRpc.create

If the SKU already exists in ZoodMall database, the product will be updated. If the SKU does not exist, the product will be added.
Request maximum (Add, update)10 products each time.


Name Type Summary
[] Array[Product] Must be unique
[]sku String Must be unique
[]name String
[]nameLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish)
[] String
[]defaultPrice Float, Minimum: 0.0001 Required for single variant product.
[]picture[] Array[String], Maximum: 10, Minimum: 1 At least 1 image required
[]categoryId String Comma separated Multiple category Ids
(Seller Management -> Cross border management -> Download product import template)
[]marketCodes String Comma(,) separated product marketCodes codes. KSA, KW, JO, IQ, UZ, QZ, AF, LB, KZ, PK
[]propertyName String Required if product is multi variant (i.e. property length > 1)
[]property[] Array[Property] It is required for multi variant product.
[]property[]sku String Must be unique in same product.
[]property[]price Float, Minimum: 0.0001
[]property[]quantity Integer
[]property[]propertyValue String
[]property[]propertyImage String Image URL for variant.
[]property[]onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)
[]sproperty[] Array[Specifics] For mandatory attribute please refer
(Seller Management -> Cross border management -> Download product import template)
[]sproperty[]name String
[]sproperty[]value String
[]spropertyLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish) of Arrays
[][] Array[Specifics]
[][].name String
[][].value String
[]brand String
[]shippingFee Float, Minimum: 0
[]description String
[]descriptionLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish)
[] String
[]productHeight Integer, Minimum: 1
[]productLength Integer, Minimum: 1
[]productWidth Integer, Minimum: 1
[]productWeight Integer, Minimum: 1
[]tags String Comma(,) separated product tags
[]tagsLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish)
[] String Comma(,) separated product other language tags
[]crossedPrice Float, Minimum: 0.00001
[]sizeGuideUrl String
[]declaredValue Float, Minimum: 0
[]hsCode String
[]hasBattery Integer, Enum: 1,2 (1: Yes 2: No)
[]hasLiquid Integer, Enum: 1,2 (1: Yes 2: No)
[]hasPowder Integer, Enum: 1,2 (1: Yes 2: No)
[]onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)
[]quantity Integer, Minimum: 0 Required for single variant.
[]shippingFee_{marketCode} Float {marketCode} can be extends with KSA, KW, JO, IQ, UZ, QZ, AF, LB, KZ, PK
[]shippingFee_UZ Float, Minimum: 0
[]shippingFee_LB Float, Minimum: 0
videoUrl String External video url(youtube links are not allowed)


Name Type Summary
[] Array[CreateUpdateRes]
[]sku String
[]productId String Product ID of specified SKU

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ProductRpc.create",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
                "sku": "M-API-008",
                "name": "Milan API Test Single variant",
                "nameLang": {
                    "ru": "Мужские топы модные летние повседневные свободные отвороты с капюшоном в клетку с коротким рукавом рубашка для взрослых",
                    "uz": "Erkaklar Tops Moda Yozgi Casual Bo'sh Lapel Kapşonlu Chek qisqa yengli ko'ylak Kattalar uchun"
                "defaultPrice": "25.00",
                "crossedPrice": "30.00",
                "quantity": 10,
                "picture": [
                "categoryId": "8955",
                "marketCodes": "LB,UZ",
                "sproperty": [
                        "name": "Made In",
                        "value": "India"
                        "name": "Suitable for",
                        "value": "Man"
                "spropertyLang": {
                    "ru": [
                            "name": "Произведено",
                            "value": "Индия"
                            "name": "подходит для",
                            "value": "Киши"
                    "uz": [
                            "name": "Ishlab chiqarilgan",
                            "value": "Hindiston"
                            "name": "uchun mos",
                            "value": "Kishi"
                "brand": "NIKE",
                "description": "SET2: 2 x LED Turn signal light & 1 x circuit board + 1 x Dashboard cover + 1 x Instrument waterproof cover\\n100% compatibility, guaranteed to meet the specifications of equipment\\nOnly compatible with for Ninebot Max G30 electric scooters\\nThese are NOT PLUG AND PLAY. Do not expect them magically work if you plug them directly into a ride share controller\\nModel Number: EMCT1978\\n\\nItem name: Dash board circuit board faceplate\\nUnique triangle-shape design & framed with hight quality rubber surrounding for seamlessly attached\\nEasy installation, no modification required, splice two wires and tighten the nut at the back of the turn signals\\nEasy installation, universal fits most Motorcycle, Street Bike, Scooter, Cruiser/Chopper\\nFitment: for Sport bike as Suzuki Honda Yamaha Kawasaki\\nTypes: Circuit board+Faceplate+Silicone Case\\ncolour:black\\nmaterial:Plastic + silicone/Plastic\\nUnique and beautiful design.\\nVoltage:12V.\\nLight color: Yellow.\\nInstall the screw:10mm\\nEasy and convenient to use.\\nFitment:\\nFit for Honda\\nfor CBR600 F4i 2001-2006\\nfor 600RR 2003-2006\\nfor 929RR 2000-2001\\nfor 954RR 2002-2003\\nfor 1000RR 2004-2006\\nFit for Suzuki\\nfor GSXR 600 2001-2006\\nfor GSXR 750 2000-2006\\nfor GSXR 1000 2001-2005\\nFit for Yamaha\\nfor YZF 600 1995-2007\\nfor R6 1999-2007\\nfor R1 1998-2007\\nVarious sports car modification\\n\\nPackage Contents:\\n2 x LED Turn signal light\\n1 x circuit board\\n1 x Dashboard cover\\n1 x Instrument waterproof cover\\n\\nOnly the above package content, other products are not included.\\nNote: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm.",
                "descriptionLang": {
                    "ru": "НАБОР 2: 2 светодиодных указателя поворота и 1 печатная плата + 1 крышка приборной панели + 1 водонепроницаемая крышка прибора\n100% совместимость",
                    "uz": "SET2: 2 x LED burilish signali chirog'i va 1 x elektron plata + 1 x asboblar paneli qopqog'i + 1 x asbobning suv o'tkazmaydigan qopqog'i\n100% moslik"
                "productHeight": "5.7",
                "productLength": "5.7",
                "productWidth": "32",
                "productWeight": "56",
                "tags": "Circuit board,Ninebot Max G30,LED Turn Signal,Motorcycle Turn Signals Light,Triangle-shape LED Turn Signal Light",
                "tagsLang": {
                    "ru": "Печатная плата,Ninebot Max G30,светодиодный сигнал поворота,сигнал поворота мотоцикла,светодиодный сигнал поворота треугольной формы",
                    "uz": "Elektron plata,Ninebot Max G30,LED burilish signali,mototsikl burilish signallari chirog'i,uchburchak shaklidagi LED burilish signali chirog'i"
                "sizeGuideUrl": "",
                "declaredValue": 10,
                "hsCode": "HS909233",
                "hasBattery": 2,
                "hasLiquid": 2,
                "hasPowder": 2,
                "onSale": 1,
                "shippingFee_JO": "8.34",
                "shippingFee_IQ": "8.92",
                "shippingFee_UZ": "6.84",
                "shippingFee_LB": "8.77",
                "shippingFee_PK": "7.12"
                "sku": "M-API-007",
                "name": "Milan API Test Multi variant product",
                "nameLang": {
                    "ru": "Мужские топы модные летние повседневные свободные отвороты с капюшоном в клетку с коротким рукавом рубашка для взрослых",
                    "uz": "Erkaklar Tops Moda Yozgi Casual Bo'sh Lapel Kapşonlu Chek qisqa yengli ko'ylak Kattalar uchun"
                "picture": [
                "categoryId": "8955",
                "marketCodes": "LB,UZ",
                "propertyName": "color||size",
                "property": [
                        "sku": "M-API-001-01",
                        "price": "12.00",
                        "quantity": 10,
                        "propertyValue": "Pink||S",
                        "propertyImage": "",
                        "onSale": 1
                        "sku": "M-API-001-02",
                        "price": "21.00",
                        "quantity": 10,
                        "propertyValue": "White||S",
                        "propertyImage": "",
                        "onSale": 2
                "sproperty": [
                        "name": "Made In",
                        "value": "India"
                        "name": "Suitable for",
                        "value": "Man"
                "spropertyLang": {
                    "ru": [
                            "name": "Произведено",
                            "value": "Индия"
                            "name": "подходит для",
                            "value": "Киши"
                    "uz": [
                            "name": "Ishlab chiqarilgan",
                            "value": "Hindiston"
                            "name": "uchun mos",
                            "value": "Kishi"
                "brand": "NIKE",
                "description": "SET2: 2 x LED Turn signal light & 1 x circuit board + 1 x Dashboard cover + 1 x Instrument waterproof cover\\n100% compatibility, guaranteed to meet the specifications of equipment\\nOnly compatible with for Ninebot Max G30 electric scooters\\nThese are NOT PLUG AND PLAY. Do not expect them magically work if you plug them directly into a ride share controller\\nModel Number: EMCT1978\\n\\nItem name: Dash board circuit board faceplate\\nUnique triangle-shape design & framed with hight quality rubber surrounding for seamlessly attached\\nEasy installation, no modification required, splice two wires and tighten the nut at the back of the turn signals\\nEasy installation, universal fits most Motorcycle, Street Bike, Scooter, Cruiser/Chopper\\nFitment: for Sport bike as Suzuki Honda Yamaha Kawasaki\\nTypes: Circuit board+Faceplate+Silicone Case\\ncolour:black\\nmaterial:Plastic + silicone/Plastic\\nUnique and beautiful design.\\nVoltage:12V.\\nLight color: Yellow.\\nInstall the screw:10mm\\nEasy and convenient to use.\\nFitment:\\nFit for Honda\\nfor CBR600 F4i 2001-2006\\nfor 600RR 2003-2006\\nfor 929RR 2000-2001\\nfor 954RR 2002-2003\\nfor 1000RR 2004-2006\\nFit for Suzuki\\nfor GSXR 600 2001-2006\\nfor GSXR 750 2000-2006\\nfor GSXR 1000 2001-2005\\nFit for Yamaha\\nfor YZF 600 1995-2007\\nfor R6 1999-2007\\nfor R1 1998-2007\\nVarious sports car modification\\n\\nPackage Contents:\\n2 x LED Turn signal light\\n1 x circuit board\\n1 x Dashboard cover\\n1 x Instrument waterproof cover\\n\\nOnly the above package content, other products are not included.\\nNote: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm.",
                "descriptionLang": {
                    "ru": "НАБОР 2: 2 светодиодных указателя поворота и 1 печатная плата + 1 крышка приборной панели + 1 водонепроницаемая крышка прибора\n100% совместимость",
                    "uz": "SET2: 2 x LED burilish signali chirog'i va 1 x elektron plata + 1 x asboblar paneli qopqog'i + 1 x asbobning suv o'tkazmaydigan qopqog'i\n100% moslik"
                "productHeight": "5.7",
                "productLength": "5.7",
                "productWidth": "32",
                "productWeight": "56",
                "tags": "Circuit board,Ninebot Max G30,LED Turn Signal,Motorcycle Turn Signals Light,Triangle-shape LED Turn Signal Light",
                "tagsLang": {
                    "ru": "Печатная плата,Ninebot Max G30,светодиодный сигнал поворота,сигнал поворота мотоцикла,светодиодный сигнал поворота треугольной формы",
                    "uz": "Elektron plata,Ninebot Max G30,LED burilish signali,mototsikl burilish signallari chirog'i,uchburchak shaklidagi LED burilish signali chirog'i"
                "crossedPrice": "30.00",
                "sizeGuideUrl": "",
                "declaredValue": 10,
                "hsCode": "HS909233",
                "hasBattery": 2,
                "hasLiquid": 2,
                "hasPowder": 2,
                "shippingFee_JO": "8.34",
                "shippingFee_IQ": "8.92",
                "shippingFee_UZ": "6.84",
                "shippingFee_LB": "8.77",
                "shippingFee_PK": "7.12"

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": [
            "sku": "M-API-008",
            "productId": "12036844"
            "sku": "M-API-007",
            "productId": "12036845"
    "error": null

Products | Create (LS)

Method: LocalProductRpc.create

If the SPU already exists in ZoodMall database, the product will be updated. If the SKU does not exist, the product will be added.
Request maximum (Add, update)10 products each time.


Name Type Summary
[] Array[Product]
[]spu String Must be unique
[]name String
[]invoicedName String, Max 290 Character Only used for UZ Seller products
[]defaultPrice Float Required for single variant product.
[]packageCode String, Digits, Min Length: 0, Max Length: 50 Available for only UZ Sellers. Note: For single variant.
[]ikpu String, Digits, Size: 17 Available for only UZ Sellers. Note: For single variant.
[]picture[] Array[String], Maximum: 10, Minimum: 1 At least 1 image required
[]categoryId String Comma separated Multiple category Ids
(Seller Management -> Local product management -> Download product import template)
[]propertyName String Required if product is multi variant (i.e. property length > 1)
[]property[] Array[Property] It is required for multi variant products.
[]property[]sku String Must be unique in same product.
[]property[]price Float, Minimum: 0.00001
[]property[]quantity Integer
[]property[]propertyValue String
[]property[]propertyImage String Image URL for variant.
[]property[]onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)
[]property[]packageCode String, Digits, Min Length: 0, Max Length: 50 Only for UZ Sellers and Required for UZ Sellers. Note: For multi variant.
[]property[]ikpu String, Digits, Size: 17 Only for UZ Sellers and Required for UZ Sellers. Note: For multi variant.
[]sproperty[] Array For mandatory attribute please refer
(Seller Management -> Local product management -> Download product import template)
[]sproperty[]name String
[]sproperty[]value String
[]brand String
[]shippingFee String
[]description String
[]productHeight String
[]productLength String
[]productWidth String
[]productWeight String
[]tags String Comma(,) separated product tags
[]quantity Integer, Minimum: 0 Required for single variant.
[]onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)
[]crossedPrice String
[]sizeGuideUrl String
videoUrl String External video url(youtube links are not allowed)


Name Type Summary
[] Array[CreateUpdateRes]
[]sku String
[]productId String Product ID of specified SKU

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "LocalProductRpc.create",
    "id": "495",
    "params": [
                "spu": "SZUS-HKZMHB-I940000526",
                "name": "Milan API Test Single variant product",
                "defaultPrice": "25.00",
                "ikpu": "11702003002000000",
                "packageCode": "1478242",
                "picture": [
                "categoryId": "8955",
                "sproperty": [
                        "name": "TYPE",
                        "value": "IMPRINT"
                        "name": "Dimnetion",
                        "value": "12\" X 14\" Whole size"
                "brand": "Vintage Adidas",
                "shippingFee": "15.00",
                "description": "Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.",
                "productHeight": "5.7",
                "productLength": "5.7",
                "productWidth": "32",
                "productWeight": "56",
                "tags": "Tank||Oil Cup||Clutch Tank||Fluid Cup||Motorcycle Accessories||Oil Fluid Cup||Repair Tool||Gadget||Motorcycle Clutch||Unoversal",
                "crossedPrice": "30.00",
                "sizeGuideUrl": "",
                "onSale": 1,
                "quantity": 10
                "spu": "SZUS-HKZMHB-I940000527",
                "name": "Milan API Test Multi variant product.",
                "picture": [
                "categoryId": "8594",
                "propertyName": "color||size",
                "property": [
                        "sku": "M-API-102-01",
                        "price": "12.00",
                        "quantity": 10,
                        "propertyValue": "Pink||M",
                        "ikpu": "11702003002000000",
                        "packageCode": "1478242",
                        "propertyImage": "",
                        "onSale": 1
                        "sku": "M-API-102-02",
                        "price": "21.00",
                        "quantity": 10,
                        "propertyValue": "White||S",
                        "ikpu": "11702003002000000",
                        "packageCode": "1478242",
                        "propertyImage": "",
                        "onSale": 2
                "sproperty": [
                        "name": "TYPE",
                        "value": "IMPRINT"
                        "name": "Dimnetion",
                        "value": "12\" X 14\" Whole size"
                "brand": "Vintage Adidas",
                "shippingFee": "15.00",
                "description": "Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.",
                "productHeight": "5.7",
                "productLength": "5.7",
                "productWidth": "32",
                "productWeight": "56",
                "tags": "Tank||Oil Cup||Clutch Tank||Fluid Cup||Motorcycle Accessories||Oil Fluid Cup||Repair Tool||Gadget||Motorcycle Clutch||Unoversal",
                "crossedPrice": "30.00",
                "sizeGuideUrl": ""

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": [
            "sku": "SZUS-HKZMHB-I940000526",
            "productId": "12036846"
            "sku": "SZUS-HKZMHB-I940000527",
            "productId": "12036847"
    "error": null

Products | Update (CB)

Method: ProductRpc.change

Update Exiting product based on ProductId/spu Request maximum (Add, update)10 products each time.


Name Type Summary
[] Array[Product]
[]productId Integer
[]spu String Required if productId is empty.
[]name String
[]nameLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish)
[] String
[]brand String
[]defaultPrice Float For single variant product.
[]picture[] Array[String], Maximum: 10, Minimum: 1
[]categoryId String Comma separated Multiple category Ids
(Seller Management -> Cross border management -> Download product import template)
[]propertyName String
[]property[] Array[Property] For multi variant products.
[]property[]sku String
[]property[]propertyValue String
[]property[]propertyImage String
[]property[]price Float
[]property[]quantity Integer, Minimum: 0
[]property[]onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)
[]property[]packageCode String, Digits, Min Length: 0, Max Length: 50 Only for UZ Sellers and Required for UZ Sellers. Note: For multi variant.
[]property[]ikpu String, Digits, Size: 17 Only for UZ Sellers and Required for UZ Sellers. Note: For multi variant.
[]sproperty[] Array[Specific] For mandatory attribute please refer
(Seller Management -> Cross border management -> Download product import template)
[]sproperty[]name String
[]sproperty[]value String
[]spropertyLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish) of Arrays
[][] Array[Specifics]
[][].name String
[][].value String
[]marketCodes String Comma(,) separated product marketCodes codes. KSA, KW, JO, IQ, UZ, QZ, AF, LB, KZ, PK
[]description String
[]descriptionLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish)
[] String
[]declaredValue Float
[]hsCode Integer, Enum: 1,2 (1: Yes 2: No)
[]hasBattery Integer, Enum: 1,2 (1: Yes 2: No)
[]hasPowder Integer, Enum: 1,2 (1: Yes 2: No)
[]hasLiquid Integer, Enum: 1,2 (1: Yes 2: No)
[]productHeight Integer, Minimum: 1
[]productLength Integer, Minimum: 1
[]productWidth Integer, Minimum: 1
[]productWeight Integer, Minimum: 1
[]tags String Comma(,) separated product tags
[]tagsLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish)
[] String Comma(,) separated product other language tags
[]crossedPrice Float
[]sizeGuideUrl String
[]onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No). For single variant.
[]quantity Integer, Minimum: 0 For single variant.
[]packageCode String, Digits, Min Length: 0, Max Length: 50 Available for only UZ Sellers. Note: For single variant.
[]ikpu String, Digits, Size: 17 Available for only UZ Sellers. Note: For single variant.
[]shippingFee_{marketCode} Float {marketCode} can be extends with KSA, KW, JO, IQ, UZ, QZ, AF, LB, KZ, PK
[]shippingFee_UZ Float, Minimum: 0
[]shippingFee_LB Float, Minimum: 0
videoUrl String External video url(youtube links are not allowed)


Name Type Summary
[] Array[CreateUpdateRes]
[]sku String
[]productId String Product ID of specified SKU

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ProductRpc.change",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
                "productId": "11972678",
                "spu": "ZZS210222749_Cafe",
                "name": "Men Tops Fashion Summer Casual Jacket With Loose Round Neck And Striped Short Sleeves",
                "nameLang": {
                    "ru": "Мужская модная летняя повседневная куртка с круглым вырезом и короткими рукавами в полоску",
                    "uz": "Erkaklar bo'sh yumaloq bo'yinli va chiziqli kalta yengli moda yozgi kundalik ko'ylagi"
                "brand": "NIKE",
                "defaultPrice": "3.0",
                "picture": [
                "categoryId": "9045",
                "propertyName": "Color||Size",
                "property": [
                        "sku": "ZZS210222749XL_Cafe",
                        "propertyValue": "Blue||XL",
                        "propertyImage": "",
                        "price": "4.55",
                        "quantity": "1000",
                        "onSale": "1"
                        "sku": "ZZS210222749S_Cafe",
                        "propertyValue": "Blue||S",
                        "propertyImage": "",
                        "price": "4.55",
                        "quantity": "1000",
                        "onSale": "1"
                "sproperty": [
                        "name": "Made In",
                        "value": "India"
                        "name": "Suitable for",
                        "value": "Man"
                "spropertyLang": {
                    "ru": [
                            "name": "Произведено",
                            "value": "Индия"
                            "name": "подходит для",
                            "value": "Киши"
                    "uz": [
                            "name": "Ishlab chiqarilgan",
                            "value": "Hindiston"
                            "name": "uchun mos",
                            "value": "Kishi"
                "marketCodes": "JO,IQ,UZ,AZ,LB,KZ,PK",
                "description": "Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.",
                "descriptionLang": {
                    "ru": "Далеко-далеко, за словесными горами, вдали от стран Vokalia и Consonantia живут слепые тексты.",
                    "uz": "Uzoqda, tog'lar so'zining orqasida, Vokalia va Consonantia mamlakatlaridan uzoqda, ko'r matnlar yashaydi."
                "declaredValue": "20.00",
                "hsCode": "HS940394",
                "hasBattery": "2",
                "hasPowder": "2",
                "hasLiquid": "2",
                "productHeight": "10",
                "productLength": "300",
                "productWidth": "230",
                "productWeight": "200.0000",
                "tags": "Circuit board,Ninebot Max G30,LED Turn Signal,Motorcycle Turn Signals Light,Triangle-shape LED Turn Signal Light",
                "tagsLang": {
                    "ru": "Печатная плата,Ninebot Max G30,светодиодный сигнал поворота,сигнал поворота мотоцикла,светодиодный сигнал поворота треугольной формы",
                    "uz": "Elektron plata,Ninebot Max G30,LED burilish signali,mototsikl burilish signallari chirog'i,uchburchak shaklidagi LED burilish signali chirog'i"
                "crossedPrice": "6.37",
                "sizeGuideUrl": "",
                "shippingFee_JO": "5.59",
                "shippingFee_IQ": "5.92",
                "shippingFee_UZ": "3.95",
                "onSale": 1,
                "quantity": 10

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": [
            "sku": "ZZS210222749_Cafe",
            "productId": "11972678"
    "error": null

Products | Update (LS)

Method: LocalProductRpc.change

Update Exiting product based on ProductId/spu Request maximum (Add, update)10 products each time.


Name Type Summary
[] Array[Product]
[]productId Integer
[]spu String Required if productId is empty.
[]name String
[]invoicedName String, Max 290 Character Only used for UZ Seller products
[]brand String
[]nameLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish)
[] String
[]defaultPrice Float For single variant product.
[]packageCode String, Digits, Min Length: 0, Max Length: 50 Available for only UZ Sellers. Note: For single variant.
[]ikpu String, Digits, Size: 17 Available for only UZ Sellers. Note: For single variant.
[]picture[] Array[String], Maximum: 10, Minimum: 1
[]categoryId String Comma separated Multiple category Ids
(Seller Management -> Local product management -> Download product import template)
[]propertyName String
[]property[] Array[Property] For Multi variant products.
[]property[]sku String
[]property[]propertyValue String
[]property[]propertyImage String
[]property[]price Float, Minimum: 0.00001
[]property[]quantity Integer, Minimum: 0
[]property[]onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)
[]property[]packageCode String, Digits, Min Length: 0, Max Length: 50 Available for only UZ Sellers. Note: For multi variant.
[]property[]ikpu String, Digits, Size: 17 Available for only UZ Sellers. Note: For multi variant.
[]sproperty[] Array[Specific] For mandatory attribute please refer
(Seller Management -> Local product management -> Download product import template)
[]sproperty[]name String
sproperty[]value String
[]spropertyLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish) of arrays
[][] Array
[][]name String
[][]value String
[]description String
[]descriptionLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish)
[] String
[]tags String Comma(,) separated product tags
[]tagsLang Object It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish)
[] String Comma(,) separated product other language tags
[]crossedPrice Float, Minimum: 0.00001
[]sizeGuideUrl String
[]shippingFee Float, Minimum: 0
[]quantity Integer, Minimum: 0 For single variant product.
[]onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)
videoUrl String External video url(youtube links are not allowed)


Name Type Summary
[] Array[CreateUpdateRes]
[]sku String
[]productId String Product ID of specified SKU

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "LocalProductRpc.change",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
                "productId": "11982210",
                "spu": "SZUS-HKZMHB-I710001374",
                "name": "1Set Dash Board Circuit Board Faceplate Cover for Ninebot Max G30 & 2x Flush Mount Triangle-Shaped LED Turn Signal Ligh",
                "brand": "Demo",
                "nameLang": {
                    "ru": "Мужские топы, модная летняя повседневная куртка со свободной круглой шеей и полосатыми короткими рукавами"
                "defaultPrice": "3.0",
                "picture": [
                "ikpu": "11702003002000000",
                "packageCode": "1478242",
                "categoryId": "2",
                "propertyName": "Color||Size",
                "property": [
                        "sku": "ZZS210222749XL_Cafe",
                        "propertyValue": "Blue||XL",
                        "propertyImage": "",
                        "price": "4.55",
                        "quantity": "1000",
                        "onSale": "1"
                        "sku": "ZZS210222749S_Cafe",
                        "propertyValue": "Blue||S",
                        "propertyImage": "",
                        "price": "4.55",
                        "quantity": "1000",
                        "onSale": "1"
                "sproperty": [
                        "name": "Made In",
                        "value": "India"
                        "name": "Suitable for",
                        "value": "Man"
                "spropertyLang": {
                    "ru": [
                            "name": "Made In",
                            "value": "India"
                            "name": "Suitable for",
                            "value": "Man"
                "description": "Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.",
                "descriptionLang": {
                    "ru": "Далеко-далеко, за словесными горами, вдали от стран Вокалия и Консонантия живут слепые тексты."
                "tags": "Demo tag 1||demo tag 2||demo tag 3",
                "tagsLang": {
                    "ru": "Demo tag 1||demo tag 2||demo tag 3"
                "crossedPrice": "6.37",
                "sizeGuideUrl": "",
                "shippingFee": "5.54",
                "onSale": 1

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "sku": "SZUS-HKZMHB-I710001374",
        "productId": "11982210"
    "error": null

Products | Add variant (CB)

Method: ProductRpc.addSku


Name Type Summary
productId Integer, Minimum: 0
spu String Required if productId is empty
sku String
propertyValue String
price Float, Minimum: 0.001
quantity Integer
propertyImage String
onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)


Name Type Summary
sku String Specified SKU name.
productId String Product ID of specified SKU

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ProductRpc.addSku",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "productId": 12036845,
            "spu": "M-API-007",
            "sku": "M-API-001-04",
            "propertyValue": "Black||M",
            "price": "12.00",
            "quantity": 10,
            "propertyImage": "",
            "onSale": 1

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "sku": "M-API-001-04",
        "productId": "12036845"
    "error": null

Products | Add variant (LS)

Method: LocalProductRpc.addSku


Name Type Summary
productId Integer, Minimum: 0
spu String Required if productId is empty
sku String
propertyValue String
price Float, Minimum: 0.001
quantity Integer
propertyImage String
onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)
packageCode String, Digits, Min Length: 0, Max Length: 50 Available for only UZ Sellers and Required for UZ Sellers
ikpu String, Digits, Size: 17 Available for only UZ Sellers and Required for UZ Sellers


Name Type Summary
sku String Specified SKU name.
productId String Product ID of specified SKU

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "LocalProductRpc.addSku",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "productId": 12036846,
            "spu": "M-API-201",
            "sku": "M-API-201-04",
            "propertyValue": "Black||M",
            "price": "2.00",
            "quantity": 20,
            "propertyImage": "",
            "onSale": 1

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "sku": "M-API-201-04",
        "productId": "12036846"
    "error": null

Products | Update variant (CB)

Method: ProductRpc.changeSku


Name Type Summary
productId Integer
spu String Required if productId is empty
sku String
propertyValue String
price Float, Minimum: 0.00001
quantity Integer, Minimum: 0
propertyImage String
onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)


Name Type Summary
sku String Specified SKU name.
productId String Product ID of specified SKU

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ProductRpc.changeSku",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "productId": 12036845,
            "spu": "M-API-001",
            "sku": "M-API-001-03",
            "propertyValue": "Black||M",
            "price": "14.00",
            "quantity": 10,
            "propertyImage": "",
            "onSale": 1

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "sku": "M-API-001-03",
        "productId": "12036845"
    "error": null

Products | Update variant (LS)

Method: LocalProductRpc.changeSku


Name Type Summary
productId Integer
spu String Required if productId is empty
sku String
propertyValue String
price Float, Minimum: 0.00001
quantity Integer, Minimum: 0
propertyImage String
onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)
packageCode String, Digits, Min Length: 0, Max Length: 50 Available for only UZ Sellers
ikpu String, Digits, Size: 17 Available for only UZ Sellers


Name Type Summary
sku String Specified SKU name.
productId String Product ID of specified SKU

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "LocalProductRpc.changeSku",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "productId": 12036846,
            "spu": "M-API-201",
            "sku": "M-API-201-03",
            "propertyValue": "Black||S",
            "price": "2.50",
            "quantity": 10,
            "propertyImage": "",
            "onSale": 1

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "sku": "M-API-201-03",
        "productId": "12036846"
    "error": null

Products | Change sales (CB)

Method: ProductRpc.changeSpuSaleStatus


Name Type Summary
productId Integer
spu String Required if productId is empty
onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)


Name Type Summary
sku String Specified SKU name.
productId String Product ID of specified SKU
onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ProductRpc.changeSpuSaleStatus",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "productId": 12036846,
            "spu": "M-API-201",
            "onSale": "1"

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "sku": "M-API-201",
        "productId": "12036846",
        "onSale": "1"
    "error": null

Products | Change sales (LS)

Method: LocalProductRpc.changeSpuSaleStatus


Name Type Summary
productId Integer
spu String Required if productId is empty
onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)


Name Type Summary
sku String Specified SKU name.
productId String Product ID of specified SKU
onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "LocalProductRpc.changeSpuSaleStatus",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "productId": "12036846",
            "spu": "M-API-201",
            "onSale": "1"

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "sku": "M-API-201",
        "productId": "12036846",
        "onSale": "1"
    "error": null

Products | Change sales of variant (CB)

Method: ProductRpc.changeSaleStatus


Name Type Summary
productId Integer
spu String Required if productId is empty
sku String
onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)


Name Type Summary
sku String Specified SKU name.
productId String Product ID of specified SKU
onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ProductRpc.changeSaleStatus",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "productId": "12036845",
            "spu": "M-API-101",
            "sku": "M-API-101-03",
            "onSale": "1"

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "sku": "M-API-101-03",
        "productId": "12036845",
        "onSale": "1"
    "error": null

Products | Change sales of variant (LS)

Method: LocalProductRpc.changeSaleStatus


Name Type Summary
productId Integer
spu String Required if productId is empty
sku String
onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)


Name Type Summary
sku String Specified SKU name.
productId String Product ID of specified SKU
onSale Integer, Enum: 1,2 Sale status (1: Yes 2: No)

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "LocalProductRpc.changeSaleStatus",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "productId": "12036846",
            "spu": "M-API-201",
            "sku": "M-API-201-03",
            "onSale": "1"

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "sku": "M-API-201-03",
        "productId": "12036846",
        "onSale": "1"
    "error": null

Products | Publish to markets (CB)

Method: ProductRpc.onShelves


Name Type Summary
spu String
productId Integer
marketCodes String Comma separated market codes from KW,KSA,JO,IQ,UZ,AZ,AF,LB,KZ,PK
shippingFee_{marketCode} Float, Minimum: 0 {marketCode} can be extends with KSA, KW, JO, IQ, UZ, QZ, AF, LB, KZ, PK
shippingFee_UZ Float, Minimum: 0
shippingFee_LB Float, Minimum: 0
useDefault_{marketCode} Float, Minimum: 0 {marketCode} can be extends with KSA, KW, JO, IQ, UZ, QZ, AF, LB, KZ, PK. If want to use default then specify 1(Yes) else 2(No)
useDefault_UZ Float, Minimum: 0 If want to use default then specify 1(Yes) else 2(No)
useDefault_LB Float, Minimum: 0 If want to use default then specify 1(Yes) else 2(No)


Name Type Summary
[] Array[OnShelvesRes]
[]sku String
[]productId String Product ID of specified SKU

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ProductRpc.onShelves",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
                "spu": "M-API-007",
                "productId": "12036845",
                "marketCodes": "KW,KSA,JO,IQ,UZ,AZ,AF,LB,KZ",
                "shippingFee_KSA": "8.25",
                "shippingFee_KW": "8.20",
                "shippingFee_JO": "8.34",
                "shippingFee_IQ": "8.92",
                "shippingFee_UZ": "6.84",
                "shippingFee_AZ": "8.19",
                "shippingFee_AF": "6.17",
                "shippingFee_LB": "8.77",
                "shippingFee_KZ": "7.12",
                "useDefault_KSA": "0",
                "useDefault_KW": "0",
                "useDefault_JO": "0",
                "useDefault_IQ": "0",
                "useDefault_UZ": "0",
                "useDefault_AZ": "0",
                "useDefault_AF": "0",
                "useDefault_LB": "0",
                "useDefault_KZ": "0"

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": [
            "sku": "M-API-007",
            "productId": "12036845"
    "error": null

Products | Unpublish to markets (CB)

Method: ProductRpc.offShelves


Name Type Summary
spu String
productId integer
marketCodes String Comma separated from KW,KSA,JO,IQ,UZ,AZ,AF,LB,KZ,PK


Name Type Summary
[] Array[OffShelvesRes]
[]sku String
[]productId String

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ProductRpc.offShelves",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
                "spu": "M-API-007",
                "productId": "12036845",
                "marketCodes": "KW,KSA,JO,IQ,UZ,AZ,AF,LB,KZ"

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": [
            "sku": "M-API-007",
            "productId": "12036845"
    "error": null

Products | Verification Information (CB)

Method: ProductRpc.checkAuditStatus

Check product audit status or Product verification information for specified market products.


Name Type Summary
spu String
productId Integer, Minimum: 0
marketCode String, Required, Enum: KW, KSA, JO, IQ, UZ, AZ, AF, LB, KZ
page Integer, Minimum: 1, Default: 1
rowsPerPage Integer, Minimum: 1, Default: 10, Maximum: 20


Name Type Summary
products[] Array[MarketProduct]
products[]marketCode String
products[]productId String
products[]auditStatus String, Enum: 1, 2, 3 Verification status as followed 1(Waiting for verification), 2(Approved), 3(Rejected)
products[]timeAudit Datetime, Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
products[]auditRemark[] Array[AuditRemark]
products[]auditRemark[]time Datetime, Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
products[]auditRemark[]remark String
products[]auditRemark[]timeStamp TimeStamp
pagination Object Integer
pagination.rowsPerPage Integer
pagination.totalCount String

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ProductRpc.checkAuditStatus",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "spu": "",
            "productId": "",
            "marketCode": "LB",
            "page": 1,
            "rowsPerPage": 3

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "products": [
                "marketCode": "LB",
                "productId": "11970407",
                "auditStatus": "3",
                "timeAudit": "2021-11-23 15:38:26",
                "auditRemark": [
                        "time": "2021-11-23 15:38:26",
                        "remark": "Picture not allowed.",
                        "timeStamp": 1637678306
                "marketCode": "LB",
                "productId": "11970409",
                "auditStatus": "1",
                "timeAudit": null,
                "auditRemark": []
                "marketCode": "LB",
                "productId": "11970411",
                "auditStatus": "1",
                "timeAudit": null,
                "auditRemark": []
        "pagination": {
            "page": 1,
            "rowsPerPage": 3,
            "totalCount": "1116"
    "error": null

Products | Verification Information (LS)

Method: LocalProductRpc.checkAuditStatus

Check product audit status or Product verification information for specified market products.


Name Type Summary
spu String
productId String
marketCode String, Required, Enum: KW, KSA, JO, IQ, UZ, AZ, AF, LB, KZ
page Integer, Minimum: 1, Default: 1
rowsPerPage Integer, Minimum: 1, Default: 10, Maximum: 20


Name Type Summary
products[] Array
products[]marketCode String
products[]productId String
products[]auditStatus String, Enum: 1, 2, 3 Verification status as followed 1(Waiting for verification), 2(Approved), 3(Rejected)
products[]timeAudit Datetime, Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
products[]auditRemark[] Array[AuditRemark]
products[]auditRemark[]time Datetime, Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
products[]auditRemark[]remark String
products[]auditRemark[]timeStamp TimeStamp
pagination Object Integer
pagination.rowsPerPage Integer
pagination.totalCount String

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "LocalProductRpc.checkAuditStatus",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "spu": "",
            "productId": "",
            "marketCode": "KW",
            "page": 1,
            "rowsPerPage": 3

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "products": [
                "marketCode": "KW",
                "productId": "11970347",
                "auditStatus": "1",
                "timeAudit": null,
                "auditRemark": []
                "marketCode": "KW",
                "productId": "11970563",
                "auditStatus": "3",
                "timeAudit": "2021-11-23 15:38:26",
                "auditRemark": [
                        "time": "2021-11-23 15:38:26",
                        "remark": "Picture not allowed.",
                        "timeStamp": 1637678306
                "marketCode": "KW",
                "productId": "11970748",
                "auditStatus": "1",
                "timeAudit": null,
                "auditRemark": []
        "pagination": {
            "page": 1,
            "rowsPerPage": 3,
            "totalCount": "39"
    "error": null

Products | Archive (CB)

Method: ProductRpc.archiveProducts


Name Type Summary
productIds[] Array[Integer] Array of product IDs
spus[] Array[String] Array of SPUs. Provide Any one product IDs or SPUs


Name Type Summary
[] Array[ArchiveInfo]
[]productId String
[]spu String

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ProductRpc.archiveProducts",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "productIds": [
            "spus": []

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": [
            "productId": "11982213",
            "spu": "SZUS-HKZMHB-I940000527"
            "productId": "11982212",
            "spu": "SZUS-HKZMHB-I940000957"
            "productId": "11982211",
            "spu": "SZUS-HKZMHB-I710001274"
    "error": null

Products | Archive (LS)

Method: LocalProductRpc.archiveProducts


Name Type Summary
productIds[] Array[Integer] Array of product IDs
spus[] Array[String] Array of SPUs. Provide Any one product IDs or SPUs


Name Type Summary
[] Array[ArchiveInfo]
[]productId String
[]spu String

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "LocalProductRpc.archiveProducts",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "productIds": [],
            "spus": [

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": [
            "productId": "11982223",
            "spu": "MAPI-90003"
            "productId": "119821212",
            "spu": "MAPI-90004"
            "productId": "11982565",
            "spu": "MAPI-90005"
    "error": null

Products | Restore archived (CB)

Method: ProductRpc.restoreArchiveProducts

To restore archived products.


Name Type Summary
productIds[] Array[Integer] Array of product IDs
spus[] Array[String] Array of SPUs. Provide Any one product IDs or SPUs


Name Type Summary
[] Array[ArchiveInfo]
[]productId String
[]spu String

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ProductRpc.restoreArchiveProducts",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "productIds": [],
            "spus": [

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": [
            "productId": "11982213",
            "spu": "SZUS-HKZMHB-I940000527"
            "productId": "11982212",
            "spu": "SZUS-HKZMHB-I940000957"
            "productId": "11982211",
            "spu": "SZUS-HKZMHB-I710001274"
    "error": null

Products | Restore archived (LS)

Method: LocalProductRpc.restoreArchiveProducts

To restore archived products.


Name Type Summary
productIds[] Array[Integer] Array of product IDs
spus[] Array[String] Array of SPUs. Provide Any one product IDs or SPUs


Name Type Summary
[] Array[ArchiveInfo]
[]productId String
[]spu String

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "LocalProductRpc.restoreArchiveProducts",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "productIds": [
            "spus": []

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": [
            "productId": "11982223",
            "spu": "MAPI-90003"
            "productId": "119821212",
            "spu": "MAPI-90004"
            "productId": "11982565",
            "spu": "MAPI-90005"
    "error": null


Order related APIs

Order Status information

Status Code Status Name
2 Paid
3 Shipped
5 Finished
9 Cancelled

Order refund or cancel reasons

Refund Code Description
_refund_reason_SBO_seller_unable_to_fulfill_order Seller unable to fulfill order
_refund_reason_SBO_duplicate_order Duplicate Order
_refund_reason_SBO_product_is_out_of_stock Product is out of stock
_refund_reason_SBO_customer_provide_wrong_address Customer provide wrong address
_refund_reason_SBO_customer_chose_wrong_payment_method Customer chose wrong payment method
_refund_reason_SBO_customer_not_reachable Customer not reachable
_refund_reason_SBO_incorrect_product_price Incorrect product price
_refund_reason_SBO_incorrect_shipping_price Incorrect shipping price
_refund_reason_SBO_upload_ban_product Uploaded banned products
_refund_reason_SBO_customer_did_not_pickup_order Customer did not pick up the order within 10 days
_refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_customer_return_from_locker_customer_issue Return from Locker - Customer issue
_refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_customer_return_from_locker_zood_box_issue Return from Locker - ZOOD Box issue
_refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_customer_return_from_locker_seller_issue Return from Locker - Seller issue
_refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_customer_return_from_locker_logistic_issue Return from Locker - Logistic issue

Possible reasons in order refund information

Below table applicable for main reasons and sub reasons.

    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_main_not_as_describe
    • Description: Item not as described
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_main_quality_issue
    • Description: Quality issues
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_main_damage_item
    • Description: Damaged item
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_main_qty_shortage
    • Description: Quantity shortage
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_sub_size_issue
    • Description: Size not as described
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_sub_parameter_issue
    • Description: Item parameters not as described
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_sub_material_issue
    • Description: Material not as described
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_sub_model_issue
    • Description: Model not as described
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_sub_pattern_issue
    • Description: Pattern not as described
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_sub_color_issue
    • Description: Color not as described
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_sub_function_issue
    • Description: Functions not as described
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_sub_brand_issue
    • Description: Brand not as described
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_sub_product_not_match
    • Description: Product and description do not match
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_sub_poor_quality
    • Description: Poor quality
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_sub_not_working
    • Description: Does not work properly
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_sub_scratch_item
    • Description: Scratched item
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_sub_arrived_late
    • Description: Item damaged
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_sub_damage_package
    • Description: Damaged packaging
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_sub_item_missing
    • Description: Items are missing
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _refund_reason_after_customer_receive_product_sub_package_empty
    • Description: Package was empty
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _cancel_reason_by_mistake_by_customer
    • Description: I placed order by mistake
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _cancel_reason_change_mind
    • Description: I changed my mind
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _cancel_reason_found_cheaper_somewhere
    • Description: Found it cheaper elsewhere
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _cancel_reason_product_description_issue
    • Description: I misunderstood the product description
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _cancel_reason_want_to_use_coupon
    • Description: I want to use coupon or promo code
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _cancel_reason_wrong_payment_method
    • Description: I chose wrong payment method
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _cancel_reason_wrong_size_color
    • Description: I chose wrong size or color
    • Request by: Customer
    • Code: _cancel_reason_by_mistake_by_customer
    • Description: I placed order by mistake
    • Request by: Seller
    • Code: _cancel_reason_change_mind
    • Description: I changed my mind
    • Request by: Seller
    • Code: _cancel_reason_found_cheaper_somewhere
    • Description: Found it cheaper elsewhere
    • Request by: Seller
    • Code: _cancel_reason_product_description_issue
    • Description: I misunderstood the product description
    • Request by: Seller
    • Code: _cancel_reason_want_to_use_coupon
    • Description: I want to use coupon or promo code
    • Request by: Seller
    • Code: _cancel_reason_wrong_size_color
    • Description: I chose wrong size or color
    • Request by: Seller
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_customer_chose_wrong_payment_method
    • Description: Customer chose wrong payment method
    • Request by: Seller
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_customer_did_not_pickup_order
    • Description: Customer did not pick up the order within 10 days
    • Request by: Seller
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_customer_not_reachable
    • Description: Customer not reachable
    • Request by: Seller
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_customer_provide_wrong_address
    • Description: Customer provide wrong address
    • Request by: Seller
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_duplicate_order
    • Description: Customer Duplicated order
    • Request by: Seller
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_incorrect_product_price
    • Description: Incorrect product price
    • Request by: Seller
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_incorrect_shipping_price
    • Description: Incorrect shipping price
    • Request by: Seller
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_product_is_out_of_stock
    • Description: Product is out of stock
    • Request by: Seller
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_seller_unable_to_fulfill_order
    • Description: Seller unable to fulfill order
    • Request by: Seller
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_upload_ban_product
    • Description: Uploaded banned products
    • Request by: Seller
    • Code: _refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_product_delivery_wrong_add
    • Description: Product delivered to wrong address
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _parcel_lost_in_transit
    • Description: The parcel was lost in transit
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _item_blocked_by_customs
    • Description: Item was blocked by Customs
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_customer_not_reachable
    • Description: Customer not reachable
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_customer_refuse
    • Description: Customer refused to receive
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _no_response_from_seller_for_exchange
    • Description: No response from seller for exchange
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_abnormal_activity
    • Description: Abnormal activity from customer
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_internal_regulations
    • Description: Internal regulations
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_sub_reason_content_team_mistake
    • Description: Сontent team mistake
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_sub_reason_KAM_mistake
    • Description: КАМ mistake
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_sub_reason_refund_team_mistake
    • Description: Refund team mistake
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_incorrect_product_price
    • Description: Incorrect product price
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_product_is_out_of_stock
    • Description: Product is out of stock
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_seller_unable_to_fulfill_order
    • Description: Seller unable to fulfill order
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_upload_ban_product
    • Description: Uploaded banned products
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_incorrect_shipping_price
    • Description: Incorrect shipping price
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _cancel_reason_by_mistake
    • Description: Placed order by mistake
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _cancel_reason_delayed_order
    • Description: Delayed Order - Customer requested cancellation - Proactive notification
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _cancel_reason_delayed_order_seller_issue
    • Description: Delayed Order - Customer requested cancellation - Seller issue
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _cancel_reason_delayed_order_logistic_issue
    • Description: Delayed Order - Customer requested cancellation - Logistic issue
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _auto_cancel_order_refund_reason
    • Description: Seller did not process the order in time
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _customer_not_able_to_pick_up_order
    • Description: Customer not able to pick-up an order from seller\' store.
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _never_received_item
    • Description: Never received item
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_customer_damage_item
    • Description: Damaged Item
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_customer_item_not_as_describe
    • Description: Item not as described
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_customer_quantity_shortage
    • Description: Quantity shortage
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_customer_return_to_locker
    • Description: Return from Locker
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_proper_item
    • Description: Proper Item
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_quantity_issue
    • Description: Quality issues
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_customer_chose_wrong_payment_method
    • Description: Customer chose wrong payment method
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_customer_did_not_pickup_order
    • Description: Customer did not pick up the order within 10 days
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_customer_provide_wrong_address
    • Description: Customer provide wrong address
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_duplicate_order
    • Description: Customer Duplicated order
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_incorrect_product_price
    • Description: Incorrect product price
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_incorrect_shipping_price
    • Description: Incorrect shipping price
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_product_is_out_of_stock
    • Description: Product is out of stock
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_seller_unable_to_fulfill_order
    • Description: Seller unable to fulfill order
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_SBO_upload_ban_product
    • Description: Uploaded banned products
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _seller_not_able_to_fulfill_order
    • Description: Seller is not able to fulfill the order on time
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _rejected_at_sorting_center
    • Description: Returned back to sender: dangerous goods
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _order_cancel_by_admin
    • Description: Order has been cancelled by admin
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refuse_parcel_refund_reason
    • Description: Parcel refused by customer
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_customer_return_from_locker_zood_box_issue
    • Description: Return from Locker - ZOOD Box issue
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_customer_return_from_locker_customer_issue
    • Description: Return from Locker - Customer issue
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_customer_return_from_locker_logistic_issue
    • Description: Return from Locker - Logistic issue
    • Request by: Zood
    • Code: _refund_reason_BO_zoodmall_customer_return_from_locker_seller_issue
    • Description: Return from Locker - Seller issue
    • Request by: Zood

Orders | List

Method: OrderRpc.finds


Name Type Summary
code String Order Code
codes String Multiple order codes separated by comma(,)
dateCodeGeq Date Order created date from (>=). it will work together only with filter dateCodeLeq
dateCodeLeq Date Order created date to (<=). it will work together only with filter dateCodeGeq
timePaidGeq Date Order paid date from (>=). it will work together only with filter timePaidLeq
timePaidLeq Date Order paid date to (<=). it will work together only with filter timePaidGeq
dateCancelGeq Date Order cancel date from (>=). it will work together only with filter dateCancelLeq
dateCancelLeq Date Order cancel date to (<=). it will work together only with filter dateCancelGeq
timeRefundGeq Date Order refund date from (>=). it will work together only with filter timeRefundLeq
timeRefundLeq Date Order refund date to (<=). it will work together only with filter timeRefundGeq
hasPicking Integer, Enum: 0, 1, 2, Default: 1 status of picking orders [0: All, 1: In preparation; 2: New orders(which are paid but waiting to be processed)]
processOrder Integer, Enum: 1, 2, Default: 2 Order processing flag [1: Change order status into "In preparation" , 2: Do nothing]
status Integer, Enum: 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, Default: 0 Status of order (0: All, 1: Unpaid; 2: Paid, 3: Shipped, 5: Completed, 9: Canceled)
page Integer, Minimum: 1, Default: 1
rowsPerPage Integer, Minimum: 1, Maximum: 20, Default: 10
lastUpdateGeq Date Order update date from (>=). it will work together only with filter lastUpdateLeq
lastUpdateLeq Date Order update date to (<=). it will work together only with filter lastUpdateGeq


Name Type Summary
orders[] Array[Order]
orders[]code String
orders[]status String Refer order status information
orders[]hasPicking String, Enum: 1, 2 Is order prepared ? [1: Yes, 2: No]
orders[]customerName String
orders[]timeCreated Datetime Format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
orders[]timeCreatedUnix Timestamp
orders[]timeCanceled Datetime Format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
orders[]lastUpdated Datetime Format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
orders[]goodsAmount String Sum of all products amount for seller.
orders[]actualAmount Float Total sum of all products and product shipping amount for seller.
orders[]shippingAmount String Sum of all products shipping amount.
orders[]originShippingAmount String Sum of all products shipping amount for seller.
orders[]orderAmount Float Total order amount without discount.
orders[]hasRefund String, Enum: 1, 2 Refunded order[1: Yes, 2: No]
orders[]refundStatus Integer, Enum: 1, 2, 3 Refund Status [1: Refunding, 2: Refund finished, 3: No Refund]
orders[]refundAmount Float
orders[]canShipping Integer, Enum: 1, 2 [1: Yes, 2: No]
orders[]platformServiceFee Float
orders[]currencyCode String, Enum: IRR, EUR, AFN, AZN, UZS, TRY, IQD, JOD, SAR, KWD, USD, LBP, EUR
orders[]customerCurrencyCode String, Enum: IRR, EUR, AFN, AZN, UZS, TRY, IQD, JOD, SAR, KWD, USD, LBP, EUR
orders[]currencyRate Float
orders[]timePaid Datetime Format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
orders[]timePaidUuix Timestamp
orders[]timeRefund Datetime Format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
orders[]timeRefundUnix Timestamp
orders[]timeAllShipped Datetime Format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
orders[]timeAllShippedUnix Timestamp
orders[]declaredValue String
orders[]hasBattery String, Enum: 1, 2 [1: Yes, 2: No]
orders[]hasPowder String, Enum: 1, 2 [1: Yes, 2: No]
orders[]hasLiquid String, Enum: 1, 2 [1: Yes, 2: No]
orders[]shippingDays String
orders[]hasAbnormal Integer, Enum: 1, 2 [1: Yes, 2: No]
orders[]trackNumber String Comma separated values.
orders[]itemListQuantity Integer
orders[]itemList[] Array[ItemList]
orders[]itemList[]spu String
orders[]itemList[]sku String
orders[]itemList[]productName String
orders[]itemList[]quantity Integer
orders[]itemList[]price Float Product amount
orders[]itemList[]goodsAmount Float Product amount for seller
orders[]itemList[]shippingPrice Float Product shipping amount for all qty
orders[]itemList[]originShippingPrice Float Product shipping amount for all qty for seller
orders[]itemList[]productUrl String Product ordered image URL.
orders[]itemList[]productId Integer
orders[]itemList[]declareValue String Declared amount for custom duty in USD.
orders[]itemList[]hsCode String Custom HSN code.
orders[]itemList[]hasBattery Integer, Enum: 1, 2 [1: Yes, 2: No]
orders[]itemList[]hasPowder Integer, Enum: 1, 2 [1: Yes, 2: No]
orders[]itemList[]hasLiquid Integer, Enum: 1, 2 [1: Yes, 2: No]
orders[]itemList[]productHeight String
orders[]itemList[]productLenght String
orders[]itemList[]productWidth String
orders[]itemList[]productWeight String
orders[]itemList[]refundQuantity Integer, Enum: 3, 4, 5
orders[]itemList[]refundStatus Integer, Enum: 1, 2, 3 Refund Status [1: Refunding, 2: Refund finished, 3: No Refund]
orders[]itemList[]refundCreatedBy Integer, Enum: 1, 2, 9, 0 Refund/cancel request created by. [0: None, 1: Customer, 2: Seller, 9: Zoodmall-Manager]
orders[]itemList[]refundReason Object
orders[]itemList[]refundReason.mainReason String
orders[]itemList[]refundReason.subReason String
orders[]itemList[]refundReason.comment String
orders[]itemList[]trackList[] Array[ShipTracking]
orders[]itemList[]trackList[]trackNumber String
orders[]itemList[]trackList[]timeShipped Datetime Format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
orders[]itemList[]trackList[]timeShippedUnix Timestamp
orders[]itemList[]trackList[]quantity Integer
orders[]itemList[]shippedQuantity Integer
orders[]address Object
orders[]ShippingType Integer ShippingType [1: Home Delivery, 2: Pick Up Point, 3: Lockers]
orders[]address.countryCode String
orders[]address.receiver String
orders[]address.firstName String
orders[]address.lastName String
orders[]address.province String
orders[] String
orders[]address.state String
orders[]address.area String
orders[]address.street1 String
orders[]address.street2 String
orders[]address.street3 String
orders[]address.buildingName String
orders[]address.floor String
orders[] String
orders[] String
orders[]address.zipcode String
orders[]customerInfo Object
orders[]customerInfo.firstName String
orders[]customerInfo.lastName String
orders[]customerInfo.passport String
orders[]customerInfo.pinfl String
orders[]warehouseId Integer/Null Warehouse id for frago Pick UP Point and Lockers
pagination Object Integer
pagination.rowsPerPage Integer
pagination.totalCount Integer

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "OrderRpc.finds",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "code": "",
            "codes": "",
            "dateCodeGeq": "2020-01-01",
            "dateCodeLeq": "",
            "timePaidGeq": "",
            "timePaidLeq": "",
            "dateCancelGeq": "",
            "dateCancelLeq": "",
            "timeRefundGeq": "",
            "timeRefundLeq": "",
            "lastUpdateGeq": "",
            "lastUpdateLeq": "",
            "hasPicking": 0,
            "processOrder": 0,
            "status": 0,
            "page": 1,
            "rowsPerPage": 10

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "orders": [
                "code": "Z2120600648933",
                "status": "2",
                "hasPicking": "1",
                "customerName": " ",
                "timeCreated": "2021-07-27 04:30:05",
                "timeCreatedUnix": 1627293648,
                "timeCanceled": null,
                "lastUpdated": "2021-07-27 04:30:05",
                "goodsAmount": "6.9300000000",
                "actualAmount": 6.9299999999999997,
                "shippingAmount": "0.0000000000",
                "originShippingAmount": "0.0000000000",
                "orderAmount": 6.9400000000000004,
                "hasRefund": "2",
                "refundStatus": 3,
                "refundAmount": "0.0000000000",
                "canShipping": 1,
                "platformServiceFee": 1.2474000000000001,
                "currencyCode": "EUR",
                "customerCurrencyCode": "UZS",
                "currencyRate": "13261.000000",
                "timePaid": "2021-07-26 12:01:32",
                "timePaidUuix": 1627293692,
                "timeRefund": null,
                "timeRefundUnix": false,
                "timeAllShipped": null,
                "timeAllShippedUnix": false,
                "declaredValue": "0.00",
                "hasBattery": "1",
                "hasPowder": "2",
                "hasLiquid": "2",
                "shippingDays": "20-45",
                "hasAbnormal": 2,
                "trackNumber": null,
                "itemListQuantity": 1,
                "itemList": [
                        "spu": "MC00382",
                        "sku": "MC0038200",
                        "productName": "Mini RGB LED Lamp Bulb Stage Lighting 5V DJ Magic Disco Ball Party Club With USB Part Lamp For Family Party Holiday Night Light Magic Ball",
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "price": 6.9299999999999997,
                        "shippingPrice": "0.00",
                        "productUrl": "",
                        "productId": 1068767,
                        "declareValue": null,
                        "hsCode": "0",
                        "hasBattery": 1,
                        "hasPowder": 2,
                        "hasLiquid": 2,
                        "productHeight": "120.00",
                        "productLenght": "120.00",
                        "productWidth": "120.00",
                        "productWeight": "150.00",
                        "refundQuantity": 0,
                        "refundStatus": 3,
                        "refundCreatedBy": 0,
                        "refundReason": {
                            "mainReason": "",
                            "subReason": "",
                            "comment": ""
                        "trackList": [],
                        "shippedQuantity": 0
                "address": {
                    "countryCode": "UZ",
                    "receiver": "ted fghjj",
                    "firstName": "ted",
                    "lastName": "fghjj",
                    "province": "",
                    "city": "Kungrad district",
                    "state": "Karakalpakstan",
                    "area": "",
                    "street1": "bananan, bhhj",
                    "street2": null,
                    "street3": null,
                    "mobile": "000000",
                    "email": "",
                    "zipcode": "123445"
                "customerInfo": {
                    "firstName": null,
                    "lastName": null,
                    "passport": null,
                    "pinfl": null
                "code": "Z2120600648929",
                "status": "3",
                "hasPicking": "1",
                "customerName": " ",
                "timeCreated": "2021-07-26 11:57:05",
                "timeCreatedUnix": 1627293425,
                "timeCanceled": null,
                "lastUpdated": "2021-07-27 04:30:05",
                "goodsAmount": "6.3300000000",
                "actualAmount": 6.3300000000000001,
                "shippingAmount": "0.0000000000",
                "originShippingAmount": "0.0000000000",
                "orderAmount": 6.3300000000000001,
                "hasRefund": "2",
                "refundStatus": 3,
                "refundAmount": "0.0000000000",
                "canShipping": 1,
                "platformServiceFee": 1.1394,
                "currencyCode": "EUR",
                "customerCurrencyCode": "UZS",
                "currencyRate": "13261.000000",
                "timePaid": "2021-07-26 11:57:30",
                "timePaidUuix": 1627293450,
                "timeRefund": null,
                "timeRefundUnix": false,
                "timeAllShipped": "2021-07-26 12:00:03",
                "timeAllShippedUnix": 1627293603,
                "declaredValue": "0.00",
                "hasBattery": "1",
                "hasPowder": "2",
                "hasLiquid": "2",
                "shippingDays": "20-45",
                "hasAbnormal": 2,
                "trackNumber": ",RB600396375GE,",
                "itemListQuantity": 1,
                "itemList": [
                        "spu": "MC00256",
                        "sku": "MC0025600",
                        "productName": "Rabbit LED Night Light for Children Baby Bedroom LED Night Lamp Cartoon Decorative Light Children Sleeping Lamp",
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "price": 6.3300000000000001,
                        "shippingPrice": "0.00",
                        "productUrl": "",
                        "productId": 1069046,
                        "declareValue": null,
                        "hsCode": "0",
                        "hasBattery": 1,
                        "hasPowder": 2,
                        "hasLiquid": 2,
                        "productHeight": "80.00",
                        "productLenght": "120.00",
                        "productWidth": "110.00",
                        "productWeight": "160.00",
                        "refundQuantity": 0,
                        "refundStatus": 3,
                        "refundCreatedBy": 0,
                        "refundReason": {
                            "mainReason": "",
                            "subReason": "",
                            "comment": ""
                        "trackList": [
                                "trackNumber": "RB600396375GE",
                                "timeShipped": "2021-07-26 12:00:03",
                                "timeShippedUnix": 1627293603,
                                "quantity": 1
                        "shippedQuantity": 1
                "address": {
                    "countryCode": "UZ",
                    "receiver": "ted fghjj",
                    "firstName": "ted",
                    "lastName": "fghjj",
                    "province": "",
                    "city": "Kungrad district",
                    "state": "Karakalpakstan",
                    "area": "",
                    "street1": "bananan, bhhj",
                    "street2": null,
                    "street3": null,
                    "mobile": "000000",
                    "email": "",
                    "zipcode": "123445"
                "customerInfo": {
                    "firstName": null,
                    "lastName": null,
                    "passport": null,
                    "pinfl": null
                "warehouseId": 23145
                "code": "Z2120000648546",
                "status": "5",
                "hasPicking": "1",
                "customerName": "ring ",
                "timeCreated": "2021-07-20 10:33:40",
                "timeCreatedUnix": 1626770020,
                "timeCanceled": null,
                "lastUpdated": "2021-07-21 04:30:30",
                "goodsAmount": "6.3300000000",
                "actualAmount": 6.3300000000000001,
                "shippingAmount": "0.0000000000",
                "originShippingAmount": "0.0000000000",
                "orderAmount": 6.3300000000000001,
                "hasRefund": "2",
                "refundStatus": 3,
                "refundAmount": "0.0000000000",
                "canShipping": 1,
                "platformServiceFee": 1.1394,
                "currencyCode": "EUR",
                "customerCurrencyCode": "UZS",
                "currencyRate": "13261.000000",
                "timePaid": "2021-07-20 10:36:15",
                "timePaidUuix": 1626770175,
                "timeRefund": null,
                "timeRefundUnix": false,
                "timeAllShipped": "2021-07-20 10:38:02",
                "timeAllShippedUnix": 1626770282,
                "declaredValue": "0.00",
                "hasBattery": "1",
                "hasPowder": "2",
                "hasLiquid": "2",
                "shippingDays": "20-45",
                "hasAbnormal": 2,
                "trackNumber": ",RB600396336GE,",
                "itemListQuantity": 1,
                "itemList": [
                        "spu": "MC00256",
                        "sku": "MC0025600",
                        "productName": "Rabbit LED Night Light for Children Baby Bedroom LED Night Lamp Cartoon Decorative Light Children Sleeping Lamp",
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "price": 6.3300000000000001,
                        "shippingPrice": "0.00",
                        "productUrl": "",
                        "productId": 1069046,
                        "declareValue": null,
                        "hsCode": "0",
                        "hasBattery": 1,
                        "hasPowder": 2,
                        "hasLiquid": 2,
                        "productHeight": "80.00",
                        "productLenght": "120.00",
                        "productWidth": "110.00",
                        "productWeight": "160.00",
                        "refundQuantity": 0,
                        "refundStatus": 3,
                        "refundCreatedBy": 0,
                        "refundReason": {
                            "mainReason": "",
                            "subReason": "",
                            "comment": ""
                        "trackList": [
                                "trackNumber": "RB600396336GE",
                                "timeShipped": "2021-05-20 10:36:36",
                                "timeShippedUnix": 1621499796,
                                "quantity": 1
                        "shippedQuantity": 1
                "address": {
                    "countryCode": "UZ",
                    "receiver": "e hr",
                    "firstName": "e",
                    "lastName": "hr",
                    "province": "",
                    "city": "Peshku district",
                    "state": "Bukhara Region",
                    "area": "",
                    "street1": "uyh, hr, j",
                    "street2": null,
                    "street3": null,
                    "mobile": "000000",
                    "email": "",
                    "zipcode": "258369"
                "customerInfo": {
                    "firstName": "ring",
                    "lastName": "",
                    "passport": null,
                    "pinfl": null
                "warehouseId": null
                "code": "Z2119200648066",
                "status": "2",
                "hasPicking": "2",
                "customerName": "Test QA",
                "timeCreated": "2021-07-12 13:16:31",
                "timeCreatedUnix": 1626088591,
                "timeCanceled": null,
                "lastUpdated": "2023-08-08 15:08:14",
                "goodsAmount": "0.3600000000",
                "actualAmount": 0.35999999999999999,
                "shippingAmount": "0.0000000000",
                "originShippingAmount": "0.0000000000",
                "orderAmount": 0.35999999999999999,
                "hasRefund": "2",
                "refundStatus": 3,
                "refundAmount": "0.0000000000",
                "canShipping": 1,
                "platformServiceFee": 0.064799999999999996,
                "currencyCode": "EUR",
                "customerCurrencyCode": "UZS",
                "currencyRate": "13261.000000",
                "timePaid": "2021-07-12 13:17:52",
                "timePaidUuix": 1626088672,
                "timeRefund": null,
                "timeRefundUnix": false,
                "timeAllShipped": null,
                "timeAllShippedUnix": false,
                "declaredValue": "0.00",
                "hasBattery": "2",
                "hasPowder": "2",
                "hasLiquid": "1",
                "shippingDays": "20-45",
                "hasAbnormal": 2,
                "trackNumber": null,
                "itemListQuantity": 1,
                "itemList": [
                        "spu": "EN00960",
                        "sku": "EN0096001",
                        "productName": "18\" Double-Hook Heart Shaped Aluminum Foil Balloons For Wedding Ceremony Layout Party Decoration",
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "price": 0.35999999999999999,
                        "shippingPrice": "0.00",
                        "productUrl": "",
                        "productId": 615664,
                        "declareValue": null,
                        "hsCode": "0",
                        "hasBattery": 2,
                        "hasPowder": 2,
                        "hasLiquid": 1,
                        "productHeight": "1.00",
                        "productLenght": "100.00",
                        "productWidth": "100.00",
                        "productWeight": "98.00",
                        "refundQuantity": 0,
                        "refundStatus": 3,
                        "refundCreatedBy": 0,
                        "refundReason": {
                            "mainReason": "",
                            "subReason": "",
                            "comment": ""
                        "trackList": [],
                        "shippedQuantity": 0
                "address": {
                    "countryCode": "UZ",
                    "receiver": "Test QA",
                    "firstName": "Test",
                    "lastName": "QA",
                    "province": "",
                    "city": "Mubarak district",
                    "state": "Kashkadarya Region",
                    "area": "",
                    "street1": "1, Address",
                    "street2": null,
                    "street3": null,
                    "buildingName": "villa",
                    "floor": "5",
                    "mobile": "000000",
                    "email": "",
                    "zipcode": "111111"
                "customerInfo": {
                    "firstName": "Test",
                    "lastName": "QA",
                    "passport": "SJKD3748HJSDASD",
                    "pinfl": "JSKD748378"
                "ShippingType": 1,
                "warehouseId": null
        "pagination": {
            "page": 1,
            "rowsPerPage": 10,
            "totalCount": 4
    "error": null

Orders | Order cancellation

Method: OrderRpc.cancelOrder

Seller want to cancel or refund order or it`s items.


Name Type Summary
code String
refundType Enum, Values: 2,3, Default: 2 2: Not Shipped items, 3: Shipped items refunds
refundReason String Check "Order refund or cancel reasons"
items[] Array
items[]sku string order item SKU
items[]spu string order item SPU
items[]quantity integer Default: All


Name Type Summary
code String It will return if process completed
status string, Enum: (success, failed) It will return if process completed

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "OrderRpc.cancelOrder",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "code": "Z2305400686845",
            "refundReason": "_cancel_reason_product_description_issue",
            "refundType": 2,
            "items": [
                    "sku": "Animal-Flex",
                    "spu": "Animal-Flex",
                    "quantity": 1

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "code": "Z2305400686845",
        "status": "success"
    "error": null


Shipping related APIs

Shipping | Get Label(To Ship)

Method: ParcelLabelRpc.get

To Ship order or Ship order item.
Bettery type as Followed.

  • 0: No battery
  • 1: Built-in battery (Each package must contain no more than four cells or two batteries in equipment. Watt-hour rating must not exceed 20Wh per cell or 100Wh per battery)
  • 2: Accompanying battery
  • 3: Pure batteries or power bank


Name Type Summary
customerOrderNumber String seller"s internal identifier
parcelWeightInGrams Integer weight in grams
referenceNo String seller"s internal identifier for parcel no.
recipientOrderNumber String Zoodmall order code
batteryType Integer, Enum: 0, 1, 2, 3
liquid Integer, Enum: 0, 1 [0: No, 1: Yes]
powder Integer, Enum: 0, 1 [0: No, 1: Yes]
handOverType Integer, Enum: 0, 1 [0: Drop-shipping, 1: Pick up]
shippingProvider Integer, Default: 0
returnAddress Object
returnAddress.contactName String
returnAddress.contactPhone String
returnAddress.address String
returnAddress.zipcode String String
returnAddress.province String String
senderContact Object Required if (handOverType = 1)
senderContact.contactName String
senderContact.contactPhone String
senderContact.address String
senderContact.zipcode String String
senderContact.province String String
items[] Array[ShipItemInfo] Item contains by parcel.
items[]itemTotalWeightInGrams Integer weight in grams
items[]itemName String Order product name
items[]itemQty Integer, Minimum: 1 Ship item quantity
items[]itemSku String Order product SKU
items[]itemNameLocalLang String item name in local language


Name Type Summary
status String, Enum: OK, KO [OK:Success. KO:Failed]
message String
errors String | Object
data[] Array[ParcelInfo]
data[]status String, Enum: OK, KO [OK:Success. KO:Failed]
data[]message String
data[]customerOrderNumber String seller"s internal identifier
data[]parcelNo String Parcel identifier
data[]parcelGuid String Parcel GUID
data[]labelUrl String Parcel label download URL

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ParcelLabelRpc.get",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "customerOrderNumber": "Z2118200647563-1",
            "parcelWeightInGrams": 100,
            "referenceNo": "Z2118200647563-1",
            "recipientOrderNumber": "Z2118200647563",
            "batteryType": 0,
            "liquid": 0,
            "powder": 0,
            "handOverType": 0,
            "shippingProvider": 0,
            "returnAddress": {
                "contactName": "Milan",
                "contactPhone": "+91-00000000000",
                "address": "Test Return up Address 13.S\\nN 10, Ostim Arshaly Akmola \\n06130 India",
                "zipcode": "360002",
                "city": "Rajkot",
                "province": "Gujarat",
                "country": "India"
            "senderContact": {
                "contactName": "Milan test",
                "contactPhone": "+91-00000000000",
                "address": "Ince Boz 13.S \\nN 10, Ostim Yenimahalle - City Ankara \\n06130 India",
                "zipcode": "360002",
                "city": "Rajkot",
                "province": "Gujarat",
                "country": "India"
            "items": [
                    "itemTotalWeightInGrams": 100,
                    "itemName": "18\" Double-Hook Heart Shaped Aluminum Foil Balloons For Wedding Ceremony Layout Party Decoration",
                    "itemQty": 1,
                    "itemSku": "EN0096001",
                    "itemNameLocalLang": "迷你 RGB LED 灯泡舞台照明 5V DJ 魔幻迪斯科舞会派对俱乐部带 USB 部分灯适用于家庭聚会假日夜灯魔球 - 本地"

Result Example

    "status": "OK",
    "message": "",
    "data": [
            "status": "OK",
            "message": "",
            "customerOrderNumber": "Z2118200647563-1",
            "parcelNo": "UH900726115GE",
            "parcelGuid": "d4a330aa-fe34-46b9-889c-423be8cd4c4d",
            "labelUrl": ""

Shipping | List labels

Method: ParcelLabelRpc.getLabels


Name Type Summary
recipientOrderNumbers[] Array[String] Array of Zoodmall order codes.


Name Type Summary
status String, Enum: OK, KO [OK:Success. KO:Failed]
msg String
data[] Array[OrderParcelInfo]
data[]recipientOrderNumber String Zoodmall order code
data[]status String, Enum: OK, KO [OK:Success. KO:Failed]
data[]msg String
data[]data[] Array[ParcelLabel]
data[]data[]itemSku String
data[]data[]itemQty Integer
data[]data[]parcelNumber String Parcel identifier
data[]data[]shippingTime Timestamp
data[]data[]labelUrl String Parcel label download URL

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ParcelLabelRpc.getLabels",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "recipientOrderNumbers": [

Result Example

    "status": "OK",
    "msg": "",
    "data": [
            "recipientOrderNumber": "Z2118200647563",
            "status": "OK",
            "msg": "",
            "data": [
                    "itemSku": "EN0096001",
                    "itemQty": 1,
                    "parcelNumber": "UH900726115GE",
                    "shippingTime": 1637757980,
                    "labelUrl": ""
            "recipientOrderNumber": "Z2118200647562",
            "status": "OK",
            "msg": "Labels not found.",
            "data": []

Shipping | Cancel parcel(Track No)

Method: DeleteParcelRpc.cancelParcel

Cancel Track Number in Order.


Name Type Summary
trackNumbers[] Array[String] Array of order shipment tracking code/parcel identifier. Maximum 10 tracking No.
changePaidStatus Integer, Enum: 0, 1, Default: 0 [0: No, 1: Yes]


Name Type Summary
status String, Enum: OK, KO [OK:Success. KO:Failed]
message String
result[] Array[DeleteParcelRes]
result[]trackNumber String tracking code/parcel identifier
result[]status String, Enum: success, failed
result[]msg String

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "DeleteParcelRpc.cancelParcel",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "trackNumbers": [
            "changePaidStatus": 0

Result Example

    "status": "OK",
    "message": "Please find details as below",
    "result": [
            "trackNumber": "UH900726115GE",
            "status": "success",
            "msg": "Cancelled Successfully"
            "trackNumber": "UH900726115GF",
            "status": "failed",
            "msg": "This track number does not exist, please check"

Shipping | Partner Order ship

Method: PartnerOrderShipRpc.shipParcel


Order shiiped.

Name Type Summary
orderNumber String Order Number
trackNumber String Tracking Number
shipitems[] Array[OrderItem] List of ship items with sku, quantity and productId
shipitems[]itemSku String Must be unique in same product.
shipitems[]itemQty Integer
shipitems[]itemSpu String


Name Type Summary
status String
message String

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "PartnerOrderShipRpc.shipParcel",
    "id": 1,
    "params": [
            "orderNumber": "Z2304400685722",
            "trackNumber": "UZ900386417KG",
            "shipitems": [
                    "itemSku": "SZUS-HKZMHC-I753584",
                    "itemQty": 2,
                    "itemSpu": "182618536517"
                    "itemSku": "SAMD-MKBMHK-I653585",
                    "itemQty": 1,
                    "itemSpu": "382618536515"

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "status": "success",
        "message": "Shipment created successfully"
    "error": null

Shipping | Change Tracknumber

Method: PartnerOrderShipRpc.changeTrackNumber


For change trackNumber

Name Type Summary
orderNumber String Order Number
trackNumber String Tracking Number
newTrackNumber String New Tracking Number


Name Type Summary
status String
message String

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "PartnerOrderShipRpc.changeTrackNumber",
    "id": 1,
    "params": [
            "orderNumber": "Z2313500693733",
            "trackNumber": "10795356473835",
            "newTrackNumber": "UZ900386417KG"

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "status": "success",
        "message": "TrackNumber changed successfully"
    "error": null

Products reviews

Sellers can list and search their products reviews via APIs.
Only some specific seller can post review of their products in zoodmall.

Products reviews | List

Method: ReviewRpc.finds


Name Type Summary
productIds Array[Integer]
spus Array[String]
minRating Integer, Min: 1, Max: 5
maxRating Integer, Min: 1, Max: 5
reviewDateGeq Date, Format: YYYY-MM-DD, Default: before 6 months Example: 2023-10-23
reviewDateLeq Date, Format: YYYY-MM-DD, Default: Today Example: 2023-10-23
page Integer, Min: 1
perPage Integer, Min: 1, Max: 100, Default: 100


Name Type Summary
reviews[] Array[ProductReview] Array of review objects
reviews[]spu String
reviews[]productId Integer
reviews[]productName String
reviews[]orderCode String
reviews[]rating Integer, Min: 1, Max: 5
reviews[]time Datetime, Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
reviews[]comment String
reviews[]commentLang Object Translation Objects for comment string. It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish)
reviews[] String
reviews[]productPropertyValue String Reviewed variant/sku property information
reviews[]images Array[String], Maximum: 3 Maximum 3 images URL string.
pagination Object Integer
pagination.perPage Integer
pagination.totalCount Integer

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ReviewRpc.finds",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "productIds": [],
            "spus": [],
            "minRating": null,
            "maxRating": null,
            "reviewDateGeq": null,
            "reviewDateLeq": null,
            "page": 1,
            "perPage": 100

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "reviews": [
                "spu": "MILAN-API-L-TEST-677",
                "productId": 12472306,
                "productName": "Awesome Fresh Gloves - Test Milan",
                "orderCode": "",
                "rating": 2,
                "time": "2023-04-21 22:10:03",
                "comment": "Лорем ипсум долор сит амет, еу нец виртуте сцрибентур, елит дицта еверти пер ин.",
                "productPropertyValue": "",
                "images": [],
                "commentLang": {
                    "en": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eunets virtute scribentur, elite ditsta everti perin.",
                    "ru": "Лорем ипсум долор сит амет, еу нец виртуте сцрибентур, елит дицта еверти пер ин."
                "spu": "121-9167",
                "productId": 12472299,
                "productName": "Lace-Up Navy & White Sneaker",
                "orderCode": "Z2313500798328",
                "rating": 4,
                "time": "2023-02-04 22:10:03",
                "comment": "Не сит тале фугит еуисмод, ехерци адиписци ан ест, вис ан бонорум анциллае.",
                "commentLang": {
                    "ru": "Не сит тале фугит еуисмод, ехерци адиписци ан ест, вис ан бонорум анциллае."
                "productPropertyValue": "Color:Red||Size:24",
                "images": []
                "spu": "121-9167",
                "productId": 12472299,
                "productName": "Lace-Up Navy & White Sneaker",
                "orderCode": "",
                "rating": 3,
                "time": "2023-02-17 22:10:03",
                "comment": "Яуи оффендит десерунт симилияуе ин, вирис облияуе те вис, ех еум аеяуе репудиандае.",
                "productPropertyValue": "Color:Blue||Size:22",
                "commentLang": {
                    "ru": "Не сит тале фугит еуисмод, ехерци адиписци ан ест, вис ан бонорум анциллае.",
                    "en": "Yaui offendit desert similiyaue in, viris obliyaue te vis, ex eum aeyaue repuidandae."
                "images": [
        "pagination": {
            "page": 1,
            "perPage": 3,
            "totalCount": 15
    "error": null

Products reviews | Create/Post


Only specific sellers can post reviews of their products.


Name Type Summary
[] Array[ProductReviewInfo] array of ReviewRequest
[]spu String
[]productId Integer Required if spu is empty
[]sku String If there is review for specific sku
[]rating Integer, Min: 1, Max: 5
[]comment String, Maximum: 4000 Characters
[]lang String, Default: en, Enum: ru, tr, ar, kk, en, az, uz, ku Current comment language.
[]commentLang Object Current comment translations. It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish)
[] String, Maximum: 4000 Characters Current comment translation in Language.
[]time Datetime, Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS User comment time.
[]images Array[String] Maximum 3 images
[]customerName String, Min length: 2, Max length: 255


Name Type Summary
[] Array[PostReviewResponse] array of ReviewResponse
[]errorCode Integer For success it will be 0
[]message String
[]request Object
[]request.spu String
[]request.productId Integer
[]request.sku String
[]request.rating Integer, Min: 1, Max: 5
[]request.comment String
[]request.commentLang Object Current comment translations. It can be extend with keys en(English), fa(Dari), ar(Arabic), kk(kazakh), ru(Russian), tr(Turkish), uz(Uzbek), zh(Chinese), az(Azeri), ku(Kurdish)
[] String, Maximum: 4000 Characters Current comment translation in Language.
[]request.time Datetime, Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
[]request.images Array Maximum 3 images
[]request.customerName String, Min length: 2, Maximum length: 255

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
                "spu": "121-9167",
                "productId": 12472299,
                "sku": "121-9157@Navy||22",
                "rating": 3,
                "comment": "Лорем ипсум долор сит амет, еу нец виртуте сцрибентур, елит дицта еверти пер ин. Не сит тале фугит еуисмод, ехерци адиписци ан ест, вис ан бонорум анциллае. Яуи оффендит десерунт симилияуе ин, вирис облияуе те вис, ех еум аеяуе репудиандае. Риденс цоммодо бландит вис не.",
                "lang": "ru",
                "commentLang": {
                    "en": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eunets virtute scribentur, elite ditsta everti perin. Not sit tale fugit euismod, ekhertsi adipistsian eats, vis an bonorum ancillae. Yaui offendit desert similiyaue in, viris obliyaue te vis, ex eum aeyaue repuidandae. Riedens tsommodo blandit vis not.",
                    "uz": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Eunets virtute scribentur, elite ditsta everti perin. Tale fugit euismod, ekhertsi adipistian eydi, vis an bonorum ancillae. Yaui offendit sahro similiyaue in, viris obliyaue te vis, ex eum aeyaue repuidandae. Riedens tsommodo blandit vis not.",
                    "ar": "اصيل لتكتشف حقيقة وأساس تلك السعادة البشرية، فلا أحد يرفض أو يكره أو يتجنب الشعور بالسعادة، ولكن بفضل هؤلاء الأشخاص الذين لا يدركون بأن السعادة لا بد أن نستشعرها بصورة أكثر عقلانية ومنطقية فيعرضهم هذا لمواجهة الظروف الأليمة، "
                "time": "2023-02-17 22:10:03",
                "images": [
                "customerName": "еурипидис абхорреант"
                "spu": "121-9167",
                "productId": 12472299,
                "sku": "121-9157@Navy||23",
                "rating": 4,
                "comment": "Лорем ипсум долор сит амет, еу нец виртуте сцрибентур, елит дицта еверти пер ин. Не сит тале фугит еуисмод, ехерци адиписци ан ест, вис ан бонорум анциллае. Яуи оффендит десерунт симилияуе ин, вирис облияуе те вис, ех еум аеяуе репудиандае. Риденс цоммодо бландит вис не.",
                "lang": "ru",
                "time": "2023-02-04 22:10:03",
                "customerName": "Вим либер импедит"
                "spu": "MILAN-API-L-TEST-677",
                "rating": 2,
                "sku": null,
                "comment": "Лорем ипсум долор сит амет, еу нец виртуте сцрибентур, елит дицта еверти пер ин. Не сит тале фугит еуисмод, ехерци адиписци ан ест, вис ан бонорум анциллае. Яуи оффендит десерунт симилияуе ин, вирис облияуе те вис, ех еум аеяуе репудиандае. Риденс цоммодо бландит вис не.",
                "lang": "ru",
                "time": "2023-04-21 22:10:03",
                "customerName": "либер"

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": [
            "errorCode": 0,
            "message": "Success",
            "request": {
                "spu": "121-9167",
                "productId": 12472299,
                "sku": "121-9157@Navy||22",
                "rating": 3,
                "comment": "Лорем ипсум долор сит амет, еу нец виртуте сцрибентур, елит дицта еверти пер ин. Не сит тале фугит еуисмод, ехерци адиписци ан ест, вис ан бонорум анциллае. Яуи оффендит десерунт симилияуе ин, вирис облияуе те вис, ех еум аеяуе репудиандае. Риденс цоммодо бландит вис не.",
                "lang": "ru",
                "commentLang": {
                    "en": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eunets virtute scribentur, elite ditsta everti perin. Not sit tale fugit euismod, ekhertsi adipistsian eats, vis an bonorum ancillae. Yaui offendit desert similiyaue in, viris obliyaue te vis, ex eum aeyaue repuidandae. Riedens tsommodo blandit vis not.",
                    "uz": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Eunets virtute scribentur, elite ditsta everti perin. Tale fugit euismod, ekhertsi adipistian eydi, vis an bonorum ancillae. Yaui offendit sahro similiyaue in, viris obliyaue te vis, ex eum aeyaue repuidandae. Riedens tsommodo blandit vis not.",
                    "ar": "اصيل لتكتشف حقيقة وأساس تلك السعادة البشرية، فلا أحد يرفض أو يكره أو يتجنب الشعور بالسعادة، ولكن بفضل هؤلاء الأشخاص الذين لا يدركون بأن السعادة لا بد أن نستشعرها بصورة أكثر عقلانية ومنطقية فيعرضهم هذا لمواجهة الظروف الأليمة، "
                "time": "2023-02-17 22:10:03",
                "images": [
                "customerName": "еурипидис абхорреант"
            "errorCode": 220039,
            "message": "customerName is required",
            "request": {
                "spu": "121-9167",
                "productId": 12472299,
                "sku": "121-9157@Navy||23",
                "rating": 4,
                "comment": "Лорем ипсум долор сит амет, еу нец виртуте сцрибентур, елит дицта еверти пер ин. Не сит тале фугит еуисмод, ехерци адиписци ан ест, вис ан бонорум анциллае. Яуи оффендит десерунт симилияуе ин, вирис облияуе те вис, ех еум аеяуе репудиандае. Риденс цоммодо бландит вис не.",
                "lang": "ru",
                "time": "2023-02-04 22:10:03"
            "errorCode": 220038,
            "message": "Rating must be between 1 to 5",
            "request": {
                "spu": "MILAN-API-L-TEST-677",
                "rating": 9,
                "sku": null,
                "comment": "Лорем ипсум долор сит амет, еу нец виртуте сцрибентур, елит дицта еверти пер ин. Не сит тале фугит еуисмод, ехерци адиписци ан ест, вис ан бонорум анциллае. Яуи оффендит десерунт симилияуе ин, вирис облияуе те вис, ех еум аеяуе репудиандае. Риденс цоммодо бландит вис не.",
                "lang": "ru",
                "time": "2023-04-21 22:10:03",
                "customerName": "либер"
    "error": null

Promo campaigns

Sellers can manage their promo price for products through the API.

Promo campaigns | List

Method: ProductPromoCampaignRpc.finds


Name Type Summary
ids Array[Integer]
status Integer, Enum: 1, 2 1: Active, 2: Inactive
name String, Min: 1, Max: 255
startDate Date, Format: YYYY-MM-DD, Default: before 6 months Example: 2023-10-23
endDate Date, Format: YYYY-MM-DD Example: 2023-10-23
page Integer, Min: 1, Default: 1
perPage Integer, Min: 1, Max: 20, Default: 10


Name Type Summary
campaigns[] Array[PromoCampaign] Array of PromoCampaign
campaigns[]id Integer
campaigns[]name String, Maxlength: 255
campaigns[]valid_from Date, Format: YYYY-MM-DD Campaign start date
campaigns[]valid_to Date, Format: YYYY-MM-DD Campaign end date.
campaigns[]status Integer, Enum: 1, 2 1: Active, 2: Inactive
campaigns[]created_at DateTime, Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
campaigns[]updated_at DateTime, Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
campaigns[]products Array[PromoCampaignProduct], Min: 0, Max: 2000
campaigns[]products[]spu String, Maxlength: 255
campaigns[]products[]sku String, Maxlength: 255
campaigns[]products[]market_code String, Maxlength: 2 Targeted market E.g. UZ, PK, LB, etc.
campaigns[]products[]discount Integer, Min: 0, Max: 100
campaigns[]products[]fixed_price String, Min: 0
campaigns[]products[]created_at DateTime, Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
campaigns[]products[]max_quantity Integer, Min: 0 Maximum quantity allowed for promo price. (0 means Unlimited)
pagination Object Integer
pagination.perPage Integer
pagination.totalCount Integer

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ProductPromoCampaignRpc.finds",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "ids": [],
            "status": null,
            "name": "",
            "startDate": "2023-10-29",
            "endDate": null,
            "page": 1,
            "perPage": 10

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "campaigns": [
                "id": 722,
                "name": "M Prmmo via API Unbranded Frozen Pizza",
                "status": 1,
                "created_at": "2023-10-24 16:24:46",
                "updated_at": "2023-10-24 16:24:46",
                "valid_from": "2023-11-07",
                "valid_to": "2023-11-08",
                "products": [
                        "spu": "MILAN-API-L-TEST-24",
                        "sku": "M-API-102-01",
                        "market_code": "UZ",
                        "discount": 10,
                        "fixed_price": null,
                        "created_at": "2023-10-24 14:24:46",
                        "max_quantity": 10
                        "spu": "MILAN-API-L-TEST-677",
                        "sku": "MILAN-API-L-TEST-677",
                        "market_code": "UZ",
                        "discount": 0,
                        "fixed_price": "20.00",
                        "created_at": "2023-10-24 14:24:46",
                        "max_quantity": 0
                "id": 720,
                "name": "M Prmmo via API Gorgeous Soft Chicken",
                "status": 1,
                "created_at": "2023-10-24 16:23:17",
                "updated_at": "2023-10-24 16:23:17",
                "valid_from": "2023-11-05",
                "valid_to": "2023-11-06",
                "products": [
                        "spu": "MILAN-API-L-TEST-24",
                        "sku": "M-API-102-01",
                        "market_code": "UZ",
                        "discount": 10,
                        "fixed_price": null,
                        "created_at": "2023-10-24 14:23:17",
                        "max_quantity": 10
                "id": 718,
                "name": "M Prmmo via API Practical Wooden Fish",
                "status": 1,
                "created_at": "2023-10-24 15:09:32",
                "updated_at": "2023-10-24 15:09:32",
                "valid_from": "2023-11-03",
                "valid_to": "2023-11-04",
                "products": [
                        "spu": "MILAN-API-L-TEST-24",
                        "sku": "M-API-102-01",
                        "market_code": "UZ",
                        "discount": 10,
                        "fixed_price": null,
                        "created_at": "2023-10-24 13:09:32",
                        "max_quantity": 10
                "id": 715,
                "name": "M Prmmo via API Handcrafted Concrete Pizza",
                "status": 1,
                "created_at": "2023-10-24 14:35:27",
                "updated_at": "2023-10-24 14:35:27",
                "valid_from": "2023-11-02",
                "valid_to": "2023-11-02",
                "products": []
                "id": 711,
                "name": "M Prmmo via API Generic Fresh Tuna",
                "status": 1,
                "created_at": "2023-10-24 09:28:33",
                "updated_at": "2023-10-24 09:28:33",
                "valid_from": "2023-11-02",
                "valid_to": "2023-11-02",
                "products": [
                        "spu": "MILAN-API-L-TEST-24",
                        "sku": "M-API-102-01",
                        "market_code": "UZ",
                        "discount": 10,
                        "fixed_price": null,
                        "created_at": "2023-10-24 07:28:33",
                        "max_quantity": 10
                "id": 710,
                "name": "M Prmmo via API Sleek Soft Chips",
                "status": 1,
                "created_at": "2023-10-24 09:26:12",
                "updated_at": "2023-10-24 09:26:12",
                "valid_from": "2023-10-29",
                "valid_to": "2023-11-01",
                "products": [
                        "spu": "MILAN-API-L-TEST-24",
                        "sku": "M-API-102-01",
                        "market_code": "UZ",
                        "discount": 10,
                        "fixed_price": null,
                        "created_at": "2023-10-24 07:26:12",
                        "max_quantity": 10
        "pagination": {
            "page": 1,
            "rowsPerPage": 10,
            "totalCount": 6
    "error": null

Promo campaigns | Create

Method: ProductPromoCampaignRpc.create

Create promo campaign for multiple products and with different markets.


Name Type Summary
name String, Maxlength: 255
valid_from Date, Format: YYYY-MM-DD Campaign start date
valid_to Date, Format: YYYY-MM-DD Campaign end date.
products Array[PromoCampaignProduct], Min: 0, Max: 2000
products[]spu String, Maxlength: 255
products[]sku String, Maxlength: 255
products[]market_code String, Maxlength: 2 Targeted market E.g. UZ, PK, LB, etc.
products[]discount Integer, Min: 0, Max: 100
products[]fixed_price float, Maxlength: 255 Required if discount not provided.
products[]max_quantity Integer, Min: 0 Maximum quantity allowed for promo price. (0 means Unlimited)


Name Type Summary
id Integer, Maxlength: 255
name String, Maxlength: 255
valid_from Date, Format: YYYY-MM-DD Campaign start date.
valid_to Date, Format: YYYY-MM-DD Campaign end date.
status Integer, Enum: 1, 2 1: Active, 2: Inactive
created_at DateTime, Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
updated_at DateTime, Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
products Array[PromoCampaignProduct], Min: 0, Max: 2000
products[]spu String, Maxlength: 255
products[]sku String, Maxlength: 255
products[]market_code String, Maxlength: 2 Targeted market E.g. UZ, PK, LB, etc.
products[]discount Integer, Min: 0, Max: 100
products[]fixed_price String, Min: 0
products[]created_at DateTime, Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
products[]max_quantity Integer, Min: 0 Maximum quantity allowed for promo price. (0 means Unlimited)

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ProductPromoCampaignRpc.create",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "name": "M Prmmo via API Unbranded Frozen Pizza",
            "valid_from": "2023-11-07",
            "valid_to": "2023-11-08",
            "products": [
                    "spu": "MILAN-API-L-TEST-24",
                    "sku": "M-API-102-01",
                    "discount": 10,
                    "fixed_price": 0,
                    "market_code": "UZ",
                    "max_quantity": 10
                    "spu": "MILAN-API-L-TEST-677",
                    "sku": "MILAN-API-L-TEST-677",
                    "discount": 0,
                    "fixed_price": 20,
                    "market_code": "UZ",
                    "max_quantity": 0

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "id": 722,
        "name": "M Prmmo via API Unbranded Frozen Pizza",
        "status": 1,
        "created_at": "2023-10-24 16:24:46",
        "updated_at": "2023-10-24 16:24:46",
        "valid_from": "2023-11-07",
        "valid_to": "2023-11-08",
        "products": [
                "spu": "MILAN-API-L-TEST-24",
                "sku": "M-API-102-01",
                "market_code": "UZ",
                "discount": 10,
                "fixed_price": null,
                "created_at": "2023-10-24 14:24:46",
                "max_quantity": 10
                "spu": "MILAN-API-L-TEST-677",
                "sku": "MILAN-API-L-TEST-677",
                "market_code": "UZ",
                "discount": 0,
                "fixed_price": "20.00",
                "created_at": "2023-10-24 14:24:46",
                "max_quantity": 0
    "error": null

Promo campaigns | Update

Method: ProductPromoCampaignRpc.update

Update promo campaign information.
Add, Edit or Remove product in promo campaign


Name Type Summary
id Integer, Maxlength: 255
name String, Maxlength: 255
valid_from Date, Format: YYYY-MM-DD Campaign start date.
valid_to Date, Format: YYYY-MM-DD Campaign end date.
products Array[PromoCampaignProduct], Min: 0, Max: 2000
products[]spu String, Maxlength: 255
products[]sku String, Maxlength: 255
products[]market_code String, Maxlength: 2 Targeted market E.g. UZ, PK, LB, etc.
products[]discount Integer, Min: 0, Max: 100
products[]fixed_price float, Maxlength: 255 Required if discount not provided.
products[]max_quantity Integer, Min: 0 Maximum quantity allowed for promo price. (0 means Unlimited)
products[]isDeleted Integer, Enum: 0, 1, Default: 0 To Delete product from promo campaign.


Name Type Summary
id Integer, Maxlength: 255
name String, Maxlength: 255
valid_from Date, Format: YYYY-MM-DD Campaign start date.
valid_to Date, Format: YYYY-MM-DD Campaign end date.
status Integer, Enum: 1, 2 1: Active, 2: Inactive
created_at DateTime, Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
updated_at DateTime, Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
products Array[PromoCampaignProduct], Min: 0, Max: 2000
products[]spu String, Maxlength: 255
products[]sku String, Maxlength: 255
products[]market_code String, Maxlength: 2 Targeted market E.g. UZ, PK, LB, etc.
products[]discount Integer, Min: 0, Max: 100
products[]fixed_price String, Min: 0
products[]created_at DateTime, Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
products[]max_quantity Integer, Min: 0 Maximum quantity allowed for promo price. (0 means Unlimited)

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "ProductPromoCampaignRpc.update",
    "id": "1",
    "params": [
            "id": 708,
            "name": "M Prmmo via API M Prmmo via API Handmade Soft Keyboard",
            "valid_from": "2023-10-28",
            "valid_to": "2023-11-01",
            "products": [
                    "spu": "MILAN-API-6778",
                    "sku": "MILAN-API-6778",
                    "discount": 0,
                    "fixed_price": 10,
                    "market_code": "PK",
                    "max_quantity": 11,
                    "isDeleted": 0
                    "spu": "MILAN-API-6778",
                    "sku": "MILAN-API-6778",
                    "discount": 0,
                    "fixed_price": 10,
                    "market_code": "LB",
                    "max_quantity": 11,
                    "isDeleted": 0

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "id": 708,
        "name": "M Prmmo via API M Prmmo via API Handmade Soft Keyboard",
        "status": 1,
        "created_at": "2023-10-24 09:13:01",
        "updated_at": "2023-10-24 15:45:45",
        "valid_from": "2023-10-28",
        "valid_to": "2023-10-28",
        "products": [
                "spu": "MILAN-API-6778",
                "sku": "MILAN-API-6778",
                "market_code": "UZ",
                "discount": 0,
                "fixed_price": "10.00",
                "created_at": "2023-10-22 12:37:30",
                "max_quantity": 11
                "spu": "MILAN-API-6778",
                "sku": "MILAN-API-6778",
                "market_code": "PK",
                "discount": 0,
                "fixed_price": "10.00",
                "created_at": "2023-10-24 11:20:21",
                "max_quantity": 11
                "spu": "MILAN-API-6778",
                "sku": "MILAN-API-6778",
                "market_code": "LB",
                "discount": 0,
                "fixed_price": "10.00",
                "created_at": "2023-10-24 15:45:45",
                "max_quantity": 11
    "error": null

Utility Or Helper

Zoodmall products and order Utility, constant related API.
We have listed here brands and other utility APIs

Utility Or Helper | Brands list

Method: UtilRpc.brands


Name Type Summary


Name Type Summary
brands Array[String] brand list each element has strings.

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "UtilRpc.brands",
    "id": "1",
    "params": []

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "brands": [
    "error": null

Utility Or Helper | Category list

Method: UtilRpc.categories


Name Type Summary


Name Type Summary
categories[] Array[Category]
categories[]id Integer category id
categories[]name String category name
categories[]children[] Array[SubCategory] Sub categories array
categories[]children[]id Integer Sub category id
categories[]children[]name String Sub category name
categories[]children[]children[] Array[SubSubCategory] Sub sub categories array
categories[]children[]children[]id Integer Sub sub category id
categories[]children[]children[]name String Sub sub category name

Params Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "UtilRpc.categories",
    "id": "1",
    "params": []

Result Example

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "categories": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Women Clothing",
                "children": [
                        "id": 561,
                        "name": "Sleep & Lounge",
                        "children": [
                                "id": 4792,
                                "name": "Night Suite"
                "id": 4783,
                "name": "Test category",
                "children": [
                        "id": 4784,
                        "name": "Test sub category"
    "error": null


The Zoodmall API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
9000 Invalid params
110001 Parameter error
110002 data>10
110003 shop is abnormal
110004 sku is required/ SKU should not contain single or double quote.
110007 propertyName is required
110010 description is required
110012 property must be array
110013 sproperty must be array
110014 every property must include sku / Product height is required / Product length is required / Product width is required / Product weight is required / Product height must be greater than or equal to 0.001 / Product Length must be greater than or equal to 0.001 / Product Width must be greater than or equal to 0.001 / Product Weight must be greater than or equal to 0.001
110015 every property must include propertyValue
110017 every property must include price
110018 every sproperty must include name
110019 every sproperty must include value
110020 categoryId categoryId does not exist
110022 market marketCode has not been set
110023 crossedPrice should be greater than defaultPrice
110024 defaultPrice can not be 0 / The crossedPrice should not be greater than 2.5 time of product price.
110025 crossedPrice can not be 0
110026 every property price precision should not be greater than 2
110027 property price must be less crossedPrice
110028 every property price must be greater than 0
110035 Product Name Contains illegal keywords: Comma separated keywords
110036 Invalid product Description / Description Name Contains illegal keywords: Comma separated keywords
110037 Item Specifics Contains illegal keywords: Comma separated keywords
110038 Property Name Contains illegal keywords: Comma separated keywords
110039 Brand Name Contains illegal keywords: Comma separated keywords
110041 Modification is not allowed for archived product.
110043 Same propertyValue exist with SKU: Exist sku
110051 At least one picture is required
110053 picture[key] must be valid URL
110054 sizeGuideUrl must be valid URL
110055 SKU: SKU Name propertyImage must be valid URL.
110056 picture must be an array
120001 productId or spu is required
120002 sku is required
120003 propertyValue is required
120004 price is required
120005 product does not exist
120006 Single property Type product could not be added sku
120007 sku exists / The attribute name does not match the value
120008 every property price must be greater 0 / Modification is not allowed for archived product.
130001 productId or spu is required
130002 sku is required
130003 propertyValue can not be null
130004 price can not be null
130005 product does not exist
130007 sku does not exist
130008 every property price must be greater 0
130009 The attribute name does not match the value
130010 onSale is required and Valid values are 1 (Yes), 2(No)
140005 product does not exist
150001 Parameter error
150002 data>100
150003 productId or spu is required
150004 marketCodes is required
150006 market marketCode has not been set
160001 Parameter error
160002 data>100
160003 productId or spu is required
160004 marketCodes is required
160006 product does not on market marketCode
170001 Parameter error
170002 data>100
170003 More then one product found with same spu. / productId or spu is required
170004 product does not exist
170005 name can not be null
170006 nameLang must be Object
170007 descriptionLang must be Object
170008 sproperty must be Object
170009 every sproperty must include name
170010 every sproperty must include value
170011 spropertyLang must be array / only single sku product defualtPrice can be changed
170012 picture must be array
170013 defaultPrice can not be 0
170014 crossedPrice can not be 0
170015 crossedPrice should be greater than defaultPrice / The crossedPrice should not be greater than 2.5 time of product price.
170020 Product Name Contains illegal keywords: comma separated words
170021 nameLang Contains illegal keywords: comma separated words
170023 descriptionLang Contains illegal keywords: comma separated words
170024 descriptionLang illegal keywords: comma separated words
170025 Property Name Contains illegal keywords: comma separated words
170034 Modification is not allowed for archived product.
170051 tagsLang must be object
170052 spropertyLang.languageCode must array
170053 Every spropertyLang.languageCode must have name and value
180001 marketCode is required
200001 productIds and spus must be array / No Products found to archive/restore
200002 productIds or spus is required
200003 Maximum 50 productIds or spus are allowed.
210005 items is required
210006 items must be array
210009 each item must include sku
210010 each item must include valid quantity
210011 Invalid Quantity. Usage sku: sku
210012 No item available for refund. Usage sku: sku
210013 Invalid quantity supplied. Usage sku: sku
210015 Invalid items supplied for order refund
210016 each item must include spu
210145 refundReason is invalid
220001 Invalid params productIds
220002 Invalid params spus
220003 Invalid params minRating
220004 Invalid params maxRating
220005 maxRating must be greater then or equal to minRating
220006 Invalid params reviewDateGeq. it must be in YYYY-MM-DD
220007 Invalid params reviewDateLeq. it must be in YYYY-MM-DD
220008 reviewDateLeq must be greater then or equal to reviewDateGeq
220009 Invalid params page
220010 Invalid params perPage.
220011 perPage maximum value is 100.
220030 You are not allowed to post reviews.
220031 Maximum 100 reviews can be post in this request.
220032 Review must be an Object
220033 spu or productId is required
220034 comment is required
220035 Maximum 4000 Character is allowed in comment
220036 time is required
220037 Invalid time. Allowed format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
220038 images must be array or image urls
220039 Invalid image url for images[index]
220040 rating is required
220041 Invalid spu
220042 Invalid productId
220043 Invalid sku.
220044 Failed to create review
220045 Invalid rating
220046 Rating must be between 1 to 5
220047 customerName is required
220048 Invalid customer name
220049 Invalid lang for review comment
220050 commentLang is must be an array
220051 Maximum 4000 Character is allowed in commentLang.languageCode
300001 Invalid params
300002 Promo campaign name is required and must be string (Max length is 255 character)
300003 valid_from is required. It must be a date
300004 valid_from must be start from tomorrow
300005 valid_to is required. It must be a date
300006 valid_from must be after or equal from valid_from
300007 Promo campaign status must be 2(Inactive) or 1(Active) (Default 1)
300008 products is must be an array of PromoCampaignProduct info
300009 products have at least one PromoCampaignProduct
300010 products have a limit of maximum 1000 PromoCampaignProduct
300011 PromoCampaignProduct spu is required and it must be a string. Usage: spu
300012 PromoCampaignProduct sku is required and it must be a string. Usage: sku
300013 PromoCampaignProduct discount must be between 0 to 100. Usage: element
300014 PromoCampaignProduct fixed_price must be numeric and must be greater or equal then zero. Usage: element
300015 PromoCampaignProduct market_code must be valid. Usage: element
300016 Time frames overlapped. Usage: spu: spu, sku: sku
300017 SPU and SKU must be unique. SPU: spu, SKU: sku, market_code: market_code is already exist.
300018 PromoCampaignProduct spu not found. Usage: spu: spu
300019 PromoCampaignProduct sku (variant/option) not found. Usage: spu: spu, sku: sku
300020 PromoCampaignProduct discount and fixed_price can not be apply for same SKU. Usage: spu: spu, sku: sku
300021 PromoCampaignProduct max_quantity must be integer and greater then or equal to zero. Usage: spu: spu, sku: sku
300022 PromoCampaignProduct isDeleted must be 0 or 1 (Default 0). Usage: element
300023 PromoCampaignProduct discount or fixed_price must have value greater then 0
300024 PromoCampaign id is required and must be greater then 0.
300025 PromoCampaign id must be valid.
300026 Running and expired PromoCampaign can not be edited.
300027 PromoCampaignProduct fixed_price can not be greater then current price. Usage: spu: spu, sku: sku
300100 Failed to create promo. Please contact zoodmall/zoodship. Error: message
1100001 This api is used to create cross border products. Please check Api request.
1100002 Please fill mandatory product attribute. Please refer Seller Management -> Local/Cross product management -> Download product import template